Chapter 2: kill

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I woke up with paws Clawing on my waist

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I woke up with paws Clawing on my waist. Not in a harsh way but in a way that says 'gimme attention you lazy hooman' and I know who it is. I open my eyes slowly. The room completely dark with just a little blurry sunlight coming in through the drawn curtains. I look down to see my cat, Luna , a British shorthair on my waist. I sat up straight, my back leaning on the headboard. Seeing me moving, Luna gets up from my body just to again sit on my lap curling her body

You woke me up just so you could sleep yourself

Little demon

I look to my side to see the time and see it's 11:00 am.

I'm such an early riser

Moving Luna carefully on the bed, I walk up to the bathroom, take a shower, do my business and choose my outfit of the day.

Moving Luna carefully on the bed, I walk up to the bathroom, take a shower, do my business and choose my outfit of the day

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I keep it simple since the lack of training. Sunday is basically my holiday.

I brush my hair and go downstairs in the dining room and see dad sitting all dressed up in suit, having his breakfast.

"Good morning dad! You usually have breakfast at 8. Why so late today?"

"Good morning sweetheart. Come sit"

I went and sat down beside him. The maid came and served my breakfast. I nodded at her with a smile of thankfulness. She smiled back.

"To answer your question, I had some really important work last night regarding our legal business. It was really hectic" Dad spoke. I could see the bags under his eyes. His beard has grown like a wild bush.

Maybe I could just shave up all of his beard in his sleep

Shut up, it isn't the time

"Are you ok dad ?" I cant help but ask. I admire him so much. He works day and night just so I can get the mafia as soon a possible. He really wants to retire and enjoy time with his grandkids.

His words not mine

"I'm fine sweetheart. I hope you killed that dealer and he won't be problem now. Is it?"

"Yeah, he's dealt with."

"Hmm" he hums.

By his facial expressions I can say he really wants to say something but is really thinking hard on it.
He doesn't even have to think so much about it. I'll always be there for him no matter what.

"Dad you can say whatever you want to, you know I'll always be there for you, hm?". He looks at me and his eyes softened.

"You're right. I really want to say something, actually I want you to do something but..." He trailed off.

"What is it dad? I can do anything for you. You just have to say it" I encourage him. He pats my back with a proud smile on his face.

Oh how much I love that proud smile dad

"If you're ok with it then alright" he looks over at Ivan, dad's second in command and his best friend, and signals him to bring something.

How did I not see Ivan standing here the whole time

Dude was invisible

Well, nevermind

Ivan nods and goes in the direction of Dad's office, coming back in a few minutes, he hands dad a blue coloured thick file. Dad give me the file and I open it up to see the details of the Italians given.

"You do know who Llyod is. Right?"

The guy whose name I can never pronounce

"Yes dad. He's the Italian mafia Don. Ruthless and merciless. We aren't allies, but we aren't even enemies."

"Hmm. This file has the details of Every single person in their family. From toddlers to Old man to dead peeps. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE" his tone got serious by the end.

"And why are you giving me the list of EVERY. SINGLE. ONE of his family" I say slightly mocking him to lessen the tension on his face.

He chuckles and says "beacuse sweetheart, I need you to kill every single Italian".


I promise the other chapters will be long, for now as a starter this is all I can do

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