Boon by lord Vishnu

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Once there was a devotee of lord vishnu who prayed and meditated for years. Lord vishnu got pleased by his tapasya and asked him for his wish. Then that devotee said “ I want Lakshmi as my wife” and as per the norm once god gets pleased by a devotee he has to give him what he wants. So lord vishnu assured him that he will get Lakshmi as his wife in his next birth.

 So lord vishnu assured him that he will get Lakshmi as his wife in his next birth

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Little did he know that he was dealing with lord vishnu. In his next birth goddess Lakshmi took 4 reincarnations as rukhmini,satyabhama,Jambavanti and radha.

But there is a twist though vishnu gave him vardan to marry Lakshmi , she is the eternal love of vishnu, she can't divulge with anyone else.

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