Uddhava went to Vrindavan

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When lord Krishna was in Mathura, and he sent Uddhava to Vrindavan

“Arriving in the place which was built with the best of gems, Uddhava met with Radhika; she was beautiful like the moon rays. Her eyes were like full blown lotus flowers, she had discarded all the ornaments, except the pairs of ear ornaments which were hanging issuing the lustre. Because of the separation from Krsna, her mouth had become red; she was lying over the ground getting fainted and was crying at the same time; she was motionless and peaceful. She was without food; her lips, throat had dried up; she was breathing some-how; finding her in that condition, Uddhava the great devotee of Krsna was filled with emotions. He bowed his head in reverence to Radhika.”

When Sri Radha saw Uddhava

“Where is the lord of my life? О Krsna, О Saranatha, О lord of my life, where are you? what is the fault of the slave girl like me or otherwise the fault of the slave girl is visible at every step. Thus speaking she again fainted.”

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