wicked washerman

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While on their way to the Mathura arena, to which they had been invited by King Kamsa, Rama and Krishna came upon King Kamsa's washerman, who was carrying the King's excellent washed robes to the Palace. So, they approached him with the intention of blessing him and getting some robes in return but the servant turned out to be as ill-advised as the master. Despite being approached by the Lord Himself, the washerman became enraged and began to use hateful words against him.He claimed that they were utterly barbaric and that their impudence was the result of their birth and upbringing in the hills and forests. He questioned if they were ever used to wearing the kinds of clothes that they desired for their own use? And why did they have such high standards for their clothing, only suitable for kings to wear? The washerman angrily warned them to stop acting in such an unusual way, to leave the area, and to never again engage in suchbehaviour if they cared about their lives. The royal officers always punished arrogant people who engaged in such unlawful behaviour by enslaving them, defeating them, and taking all of their possessions.

In response, Lord Krishna cut off the conceited washerman's head from his trunk with a single motion of His hand's forepart in a moment of anger. The servants of that washerman fled in various directions, abandoning the boxes containing the royal clothes as they did so. Krishna then accepted all of those garments. The finest of those garments were now donned by Krishna and Baladeva, who distributed many of them to the cowherds and flung some others to the side of the road as They continued on their journey.

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