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To say that woman pissed me off more than I thought was an understatement of the year.
She is a walking messed-up horror.

She's messy, she's disgusting, she's horrible.
She eats like crazy. I don't mind that she eats, I kind of hate the fact that she doesn't clean up. She can cook whatever she wants for all I care, but why is her food always burned from the bottom and stuck to my damn pots?

My couch still has that blue and orange stain, and she added a new stain on the back of the couch. The stain of cranberry juice. She drinks juice right from the bottle, and she drinks milk right from the gallon. She leaves water everywhere on the floor and doesn't dry her hair at all. She cuts her toenails and leaves the nails in the bowl... the bowl that we use for eating.

I'm gonna kill her, and I'm gonna take my sweet time in killing her.

The only untouched parts of this whole house are the basement, my room, and my office. The rest... it's... I don't think I can continue thinking about it.
She knocks so damn loudly on the door that I'm compelled to not answer her anymore, but she keeps going. Her knocks change pattern at least three times in a row, until I say, "What?" She opens the door, chewing her gum loudly, and smiles, "Hey, I was just wondering if you know where can I get more toilet paper?" I say, "Not now. I'm busy." She shrugs, "Okay, I guess I'll poop in your bathroom then." I clench my fist and sigh, "I'll get you some. They're coming-"

"Yeah, yeah, we know. My paycheck. Get me the damn toilet paper, man."

I'm gonna shoot her, and I'm going to enjoy it.

I get up from my damn job, letting my client wait in hold for a damn toilet paper but I don't leave her at the doorway. I just wait until she takes steps back and closethe door behind me, "You don't go inside the room. I'll get your damn paper." She rolls her eyes and I walk away.
It takes every ounce of strength inside me to not dip the toilet paper in hot sauce first before giving it to her.


Becoming petty is the best damn thing I've ever done in my life. It's so satisfying to watch him get annoyed.

He closes me out of the door while he gets the toilet paper that I plan to unroll all over his room. Life has become a little bit sweeter.
Maybe I can do something in his office while he's gone? With utter quietness, I open the door, thanking god that it doesn't creak, and walk inside. I close it behind me and walk straight to his desk setup. There's a chat open in front of me. The details read a weird name and the chat is rather unusual.

•When can I confirm the order, Carmelo?

•You can confirm it when I tell you I have it ready. It will take three days for my guys to get me the things. What you're asking is high military-grade weapons, it takes time.

Mr & Mrs CarmeloМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя