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I could still feel his touch on the scar, the way his fingers grazed upon it.
I could remember everything. When he looked down, touched it, and his brows furrowed- all too vividly, I remember it.

Provoking him is the only way to tell him that he does not own me but it backfired this time.

My phone chimes and I smile.

Found you in the museum!

And right under the text was a selfie of him, in front of a large dinosaur bones.

In what way do I look like a dinosaur to you? Kevin Wyatt?!

•In every way! Haha!

•You're a menace.

•An awesome menace!

Then another selfie came through, he created an illusion that he was feeding the dinosaur an orange gummy bear. He knew I hated the orange gummy bear and made him eat all of them so it wouldn't go to waste.

I call up instantly. He picks up with a laugh, "So impatient." I roll my eyes even though he can't see me, "Quit making the poor Dino eat the orange gummy bear. They're disgusting!" He huffs, "I know but you feed them to me no matter what when I was younger!" Then he continues after a pause, "You still do!" I laugh, "I'm your big sister. You're supposed to do what I tell you to do." He grunts, "Child abuse!" I laugh again, then ask, "What are you doing?"

"I had a day off today, thought I'd explore the city. Get familiar with it."

"How's New York?"

"Honestly, great! The people here are so mean that I love it!"

"What? Why would you like that?"

"Because I can be mean and no one bats an eye!"

"Kevin Wyatt-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. The one who's mean to everyone, karma catches up. You told me that many times, Daisy. But I like being mean here. I can get mean at the hot dog guy and he'll be extra mean, so I can be extra-extra mean!"

I chuckle at his excitement. "You are nuts." Then he uses his broken New York accent, "Who you callin' nuts, tutts?!" I cringe and he understands the silence, "Too much?"

"Extra-extra much."

"I'm working on it. My fingers may play like the piano on the keyboard but when it comes to girls and accents, I'm shit."


He grunts again, "Sorry." He apologizes for cussing. But then I catch on, "What do you mean by girls?" He hisses. I caught him.
"Kevin? What girls?" He knew I wouldn't let this go until he comes clear.
"There's this girl, Ava, I work with her."

Mr & Mrs CarmeloWhere stories live. Discover now