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Julian's POV

Today was the final day of the Copa America and it meant two things. One Julián was going up against Chile for the title and two he was finally able to meet the girl of his dreams, although he would deny it if anyone questioned him. Julián felt strangely good about today which is opposed to his normal anxiety. He thought his lack of worry was because his excitement of seeing Taylor outweighed his dark thoughts. He had so many plans for the two of them he knew it was unrealistic that they would be able to do all of them but a guy can dream.

Julián was standing in the tunnel with the rest of the Argentina team and the Chile team waiting to go out after the performance had finished. He usually never paid any attention to the songs at these types of things but the Argentine found himself listening to Selena Gomez's song, granted he couldn't tell you what song it was but given that she was Taylor's friend Julian felt like he should listen and be polite. As soon as Julián knew it, it was time to go onto the pitch.

Entering the pitch, he felt like a kid on christmas. The atmosphere at these massive games can either calm all nerves or break them. Seeing all the fans that traveled such distances to support and oppose them gave Julián a sense of pride that he wouldn't feel anywhere else in the world except on a football pitch. Lining up for the National Anthems gave the goalkeep a clear view of the stands, waves of light blue could be seen, massive flags were waving glory in the summer wind of New Jersey. As the Argentinian National Anthem played Julián was floating his eyes across all of the fans he could see the energy radiating off of them as they sang along loudly and proudly, he then spotted the VIP section recognizable by being filled with friends and family of the Argentina Team.

Sitting in the first row exactly as she promised was Taylor.

While singing Julián smiled widely making eye contact with the blonde, who was already looking at him.

As the song came to an end and the match was about to start the pair gave each other one last look and Taylor mouthed "Good Luck!". If Julián could have smiled wider he would. Moving to his goal post the whistle was blown signaling the start of the match.

The first half of the match was now over and Julian was sitting in the changing room half-listening to his coaches' talks. The first half had been energetic and explosive; the score was tied 0-0 but that didn't mean Julián didn't have his work cut out for him. He had saved about 10 shots on the goal already and more corner kicks; it was equally entertaining down at the other end as well with the Argentina forward trying their best to score as well. It was safe to say that morale was pretty low in the team.

After the talk which was just mainly to look everywhere and at the ball all at once, which was super helpful and informative, note the sarcasm. Julián was now sat with a physio to sort out a cramp in his leg before the team and to set off for the second half. He was just sitting on his phone mindlessly scrolling through instagram when he got a text notification.


How's the game going?


you are at the game


yh i know but i don't understand it


thats  reasonable 

it's going to hell

Wildest Dreams - Taylor SwiftOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz