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Taylor's POV

Taylor froze.she did not expect or prepare to see Tom sitting at her kitchen table in the dark, nursing a glass of whiskey. He looked broken and had a face that said 'I cant say everything on my mind or i will explode'. Taylor shut her door behind her and quietly made her way into her apartment.

The blonde hadn't a clue what to say or how to address the obvious tension in the room. While trying to find words Tom broke the silence.

"So you went to London"

" Liverpool actually" she corrected him in a quiet voice. This didn't help Tom's mood.

"That's not the point, You still left without telling me Taylor"

Taylor knew she was in the wrong her but she didn't regret it, not no bit. She was ready to admit her fault, apologise and leave him maturely but what he said next pissed Taylor off.

"Just becuase some people are mean to you doesnt give you the right to disapper!"

He was obviously drunk and wasnt in the right head space but his words hurt taylor. She had confinded in him about the struggle the media has cuased for her, her insecurities and paranoia that she could be physically hurt from the harsh spotlight direcged at her. Him using the months of pain as a snide comment to get back at her opened taylor's eyes at how Tom really could be.

There was a pause while Taylor internally swore up a storm but externally stayed quiet knowing it would only make things worse. Exhaling a breath she didnt know she had Taylor looke Tom dead in the eyes and spoke with an edge of betrayal, "You know Tom, we had a good time-"

"Dont go throwing away a good thing Taylor" he cut Taylor off

Gobsmacked all Taylor could do was stare open-mouthed at Tom, "A good thing? Tom we havent been a good thing in six months"

"conviently when Julián appeared" Tom commented under his breath taking a sip of his whiskey

"What are you implying?". Taylor was angry now.

"You know what I am implying" he replied with equal anger.

"What do you want me to say? Yeah I grew distant from you. Yeah I got close to Julián instead of you. Yeah I slept with Julián instead of you!".

And there it was, the nuclear bomb dropped but the fallout remianed. Tom looked at Taylor stone cold but behind his eyes she knew they were filled with hurt.

Tears brimmed her eyes and her voice was shaky as she continued, "I am not the only one at fault though, we both never made an effort. we were doomed from the start."

"That didnt give you the right to go have sex with another man".

"I know that! Ok. And I feel like shit  about it but we never spoke, Tom. We were hardly ever together in private. I am sorry if you were invested into this relationship more than I was and I am sorry that it is over".

Tom didn't say anything just jumped up from his seat at the kitchen table and darted for the door. Before leaving he turned to Taylor and asked, "Why. What did Julian offer you that i couldn't"

" I don't know" she answered quietly and truthfully.

Tom gave her one last heart broken look before leaving her life forever. In the new silence Taylor struggled on how to feel; one side of her knew she was the worst person imaginable and that the media was right about everything, while the other part felt right like the desserts sands had settled after a storm and an oasis was clear in the distance awaiting her refuge.

Grabbing a bottle of wine from her fridge Taylor decided to leave all of her unpacking for tomorrow and drown her emotions with alcohol, her sleeping cats and Grey's Anatomy re-runs.

Author's Note

I feel like I kinda made Tom a dickhead in this. I love him loads though but drama is drama and this is fiction.

I am probably going to do this chapter over completely at some point but not today idk where this was going.

Until next my lovelies
Xoxo Gossip Girl

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