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Julian's POV

Saying goodbye to taylor was easier than expected, probably because they knew they would see each other in a few weeks. He was glad to be back in Liverpool, glad to be back in his own bed, in his city. What he wasn't so glad about was his mother visiting with his brother. He loved them sure but not when his mother invades on every part of his life.

"So Julián, when am I going to get a grand child off you?" She abruptly asked on night while they where having dinner at his apartment.

Julián choked in his water at the question. "What! Mum i dont Even have a girl friend let alone ready for a child". He could hear Alejandro snickering next to him

In reply his mother put her hands up, "I mean no offence I just meant that you are 25 now, I think it time for you to find a nice person. Also I want more grand babies to spoil" she said the last bit under her breath but Julián could still hear her as clear as day.

"Mum i am perfectly fine on my own"

"Your not on you own though" his brother said just loud enough for only Julián to hear. He kicked his little brothers shin from under the table at the remark.

"I just worry about you ok, you are in a big country with no one by your side" she sighed heavily before continuing, "what if you get seriously injured again"

So that is what this is about. Now he understood where she was coming from, she is just concerned for me and what to now that there is someone else looking out for him.

This isn't the first time she's been worried about him. There was an incident at school when he was sixteen involving his sister and a guy in her year. Let's just say Julián went home early from school with a bloody nose and heavily bruised knuckles.

"Mum, what happened that day was a one-in-a-million accident. Nothing bad will happen" he reassures her but she doesn't seem completely convinced.

"Ok." His mum begrudgingly ended the conversation at that. It wasn't brought up for the rest of the dinner.

It was brought up again after the dinner when Alejandro had avoided doing the dishes, leaving his brother and mother to do them.

"Is there anyone in your life? I am not prying I just want to catch up with everything". Julián knew his mothers intentions were genuine and a small blush could help but creep up to his face.

Seeing the red look on her son's
face that was a carbon copy for the one he had as a bashful child see squealed gleefully, "so there is someone. Is that Taylor girl!" His silence gave her the answer she was hoping for, "oh I am so happy for you mijo, wait until your father hears about this he is going to be extatic."

Knowing his mother approved made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside but he didn't want to get his mothers hopes up too soon, "calm down mum we are not even technically dating yet"


The rest of their week together consisted of dropping his mum and brother at the Manchester United training centre but not without complaining majorly at his brother joining their rivals.

Julián wasn't allowed to go in the tour for obvious reasons and got some very strange looks for his car by the first team players. He was tempted to enact his own little revenge plan and throw eggs at the building but didn't because he could be arsed finding a shop close by, so instead he sat in his car for two hours laughing at his teammates ideas on their own pranks and texting Taylor.

Her album is almost finished, but she is struggling to write a song to end the album with. Yet she still won't share anything with him, Julián is almost dying of anticipation.

Alejandro's tour of the facilities goes well and he signed a deal for their U-21 Team after next summer. He seems really excited about but refused to share anything to his elder brother claiming, 'you dont share secrets with the enemy J'. God his brother could be annoying sometimes.

His mother also makes him do the classic tourist things with her, somehow Ale got out of it. Even though there really isn't much in Liverpool she drags with out to do all the North-west tourist attractions she can find. The Trafford centre was hell and he kept having to explain to her why people wanted a picture with him.

The Friday they left Julián was very happy to have them over but really glad to finally see them go, he loved them really.

But entering his dark apartment after leaving them at the airport made Julián realise how alone he was with his family all away across the world. He wished his mothers loud voice was back or how she would always scold him for not folding his clothes her way. Julián even found himself missing his brothers natural presence that had accumulated over the week.

Authors note

I have terrible self management. I say I will post next week, write half a chapter and forget about it.

I'm sorry. I really should put a reminder in my phone, I love these stories yet ignore them.

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