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Taylor's POV

Taylor had woken up in Julián's bed wrapped up in his arms. Reminiscing on the previous night brought a ish to her cheeks. Julián was still asleep, his messy hair covering his face but a glimpse of a smile could be seen.

Something managing to escape Julián's clutches Taylor got out of the bed and raided his wardrobe of a jersey and a pair of his boxers. The blonde did contemplate going back to bed and relaxing in the warmth of  his body against hers but ultimately talked herself out of it fearing what could happen when he wakes up. Would he think it was all a mistake? Would he never want to see Taylor again? Overthinking Taylor went to the bathroom hoping the coldness of the counter would help her gather her thoughts.

Looking at herself in the mirror Taylor could tell she had had a rough night. Her hair was bushy and frazzled and her mascara from last night resembled a panda, Taylor internally swore at the sight of the marks in her collarbone that were growing a deep maroon shade.

Splashing cold water on her face had opened her eyes while washing away the panda look. Thousands of thought flooded into her mind. Taylor knew for certain that Julián will be kept in her life whether as a friend or something more would be decided by Julián as Taylor wouldn't be the one to let this go.

Taylor at the same time also had an aspiration about her career or more importantly how she will regain her reputation. Inspiration came to her so fast that Taylor almost could keep up.

After 2 hours of sitting on Julián's bathroom floor, calling Jack at 6 am New York time and over a hundred voice memos of various idea that may or not make the Final Cut. Taylor had a plan all she had to do was enact it. Her whole year was planned starting with making her way to a recording studio.

She did take a break in her brainstorming to catch Gigi and Selena up on the nitty gritty details that they were dying to know and to show them a snippet of one of Taylor's favourite drafts.

They have been so supportive of Taylor and been a constant in her life when others she thought were her friends turned their back on her. She loved thier enthusiasm for her songs and how briefly honest they are toward her, she can't imagine her life without them and they love they being with them.

Taylor was feeling good. Truly good. And because of her mood she worked up the courage to face Julián. Cautiously walking out of his en-suite she noticed at that he wasn't in his bed but she could her sizzling coming from the kitchen. Tiptoeing out of his room she noticed him cooking with his bare back towards her.

"Hi" she squeaked out.

"Quién era? Julián, ¿tienes una chica cerca? ¿Es tu novia?" A voice that wasn't Julián's called out sounding like it was from the other side of a speaker phone.(Who was that? Julián do you have a girl around! Is she your girlfriend?)

Turning to see Taylor in his living room he had a confused look on his face but quickly smiled at her before turning his attention back to his mother, "No, mamá, no es que sea solo una amiga. Piensas demasiado en las cosas". Taylor didn't know what he said but the pained look on his face told her he didn't mean what he said. (No mum it isn't like that she's just a friend. You think too much into things)

"Espera, Julián, ¿quién es ella? ¿Es simpática? ¿Es guapa?-".(Wait, Julian, who is she? Is She Nice? Is she beautiful?-)

"Adiós, mamá" he cut his mother off hung up the phone knowing he will get a lengthy text later for it. "Sorry about her" he said switching to English.

"Oh no I'm sorry. I was the one that ended the conversation."

"You did me a favour. She was jabbering on about Alejandro's acceptance into the academy."

"That's good right. It means you see him more with his at Liverpool" Taylor tried to see the bright side of it while Julián had a glum look on his face.

"The United academy."


Taylor laughed at the irony in it. Seeing your brother go to your rival must have been soul crushing for him but their was also a glimpse of competitiveness in the footballer's eyes.

"They are coming to visit next week so I have to lovely job of driving them the Manchester training centre." He cut himself off by saying, "he's not even joining until the new year so I don't know why they are doing it two months early! Will I even be allowed into the building or will I be spying on them?" He was just rambiling his inner thoughts to no one in particular.

Taylor's eyes traveled down Julián's neck and chest noticing the equally dark bites she had given him and at certain angles of his animated ramble she caught glimpses of the raw scratch marks on his back. She locked her eyes on the tree like tattoo and wrapped around his chest and back. She noticed it last night but never questioned it too lost in the heat between them.

Breaking Julián out of his ramble she asked, " What's the tattoo on your chest?"

He wasn't t expecting the question and froze, "What? Oh right. It's a ceibo branch, it's the national flower of Argentina. Me and Catalina got matching ones before I left. Ale might get one as well now that he is nearly old enough."

"It's beautiful" she wanted to step forward and grace her fingers along it just like she did last night but rejected the idea not knowing what would happen next.

"It reminds me of what I have waiting for me back in Argentina". He spoke softly pausing to reminisce about his childhood before looking back up at Taylor.

Silence followed the pair standing in Julián's apartment without a clue to where they were going. An awkward moment grew with the couple not knowing what to say to each other or how to address the elephant in the room. Julian stared at her with an unreadable expression on his face, something about it made a blush rise to Taylor's cheeks and her inside to go fuzzy like in one of those classic 90's Ron-coms when the girl finally admits she likes the guy at prom.

It was Julián who broke the silence. "So... what are you plans for the day" he said it slowly unsure of what to actually say.

"I don't really know to be honest." She paused focusing in on the now scabbed gash that cuts through Julián's eyebrow, "How's your head?"

"Oh it's sore kinda like a really bad hangover and a concussion had a baby" he laughs at himself while Taylor gives him a gob smacked look.

"Julián you did get a concussion and then got drunk"

"Worth it" Julián just smiles at her and stalks towards her before moving Taylor's arms to be behind his neck and snaking his arms around her waist. Clearly the awkward silence has been forgotten by him.

Looking up at him the singer asks him, "And why is that?"

To which he replies, "Becuase I get the day off".

The two stayed in their embrace for what felt like forever. They almost felt domestic with each other, they planned their day and their day after   but there was still something unspoken looming in the air. Both figuratively and literally.

Taylor caught a wiff of something burning and scrunched her nose at the disgusting smell and asking, "Julián what's that smell?".

"Shit the bacon!"

Author's note

I survived

That's all I have to say really. Bye xx

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