Chapter 7

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Panic.Regret. What have I done? I have to go.

Bucky was lost in the files, brows furrowed in concentration, when Ray burst through the bedroom door like hell was on her heels. He was so absorbed that he didn't even look up at her. "Hey..." he said softly. "I haven't gotten too far in yet but I think-"

"I need those."

"Yeah, sure," he said, distracted, "but I think you could-"

She set her backpack on the table, unzipping it and snatching the files.

"Well, wait, there's some info in there that I can show you-"

"In that case, I really have to go." She shoved the files into her bag.

"What?" Bucky's brow furrowed in confusions and anger. Was she leaving?

"I've been here too long."

"It's been three days, that's not-"

"It should've been one - or less. If anyone tracked me..."

"You do know Hydra is gone."

"They had my files!" She shouted. She winced at the loudness, suddenly ashamed at losing control.

Bucky took a few steps toward her. "The warehouse wasn't Hydra. Steve and Nat took them down."

She paused and stared at him. "You have no idea, do you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you know who those men were working for at the warehouse?"

"That's what Sam and I were there to figure out but the place blew first. Everything was destroyed."

She froze. "Have you heard of the Power Broker?"

"What?! No, the Power Broker is in Madripoor."

"Not anymore. The Power Broker has expanded their territory and no one even suspects."


"And if they had my files, then they know. They know what I did, what I can-"

"Okay, slow down."

"Why would they have my files if they weren't looking for me, Bucky? It's the only logical answer."


"I'm sorry but I have to go." She shouldered her backpack and headed for the door.

"Ray! Stop." Bucky raced ahead of her and took hold of her hand on the doorknob.

She jerked it back like her hand was on fire and Bucky winced at the rejection. He thought he was making headway with her when she showed him the files.

"Bucky, move!"

"Let's talk about this!" Now he was yelling, angry that she was deciding for him, that it was out of his control.

"There's nothing to talk about."

"I can help you!"

"You already have, you're debt has been paid, I'm not your problem anymore."

"Except you are! I am helping you. I chose to help you. I want to help you!" He waved his hand toward her, accentuating his point. She stared at him in shock. He breathed out, releasing his anger, sorry for yelling at her, ashamed for showing his feelings so boldly. He was turning into Steve, so desperate to save her, help her find herself. "Besides, it's too late. If they are after you, then I'm already at risk-"

"The longer I stay, the bigger the risk."

"It's a risk I'm willing to take."

"I won't risk you any more. This is my fault-"

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