Chapter 36

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"Sharon, what the hell is going on?" Sam found himself held at gunpoint in his own living room. How did this happen?

Bucky had been yanked back by several large men, guns trained on him. He fought until a knife came to rest on his jugular. He'd bleed out faster than his healing could kick in.

Joaquin had pushed Ray behind him as she clung to his arm, but he was grabbed by the neck and shoved away from her.

Ray did her best to pull Torres back to her but her knees buckles and a guard wrapped an arm around Ray's waist, a gun to her head to stop her from resisting.

"Well, Sam, I'm taking back what's mine."

Bucky lurched at the guard beside him, quickly knocking the knife away, grabbing the gun from the guard's holster, and pressing it to Sharon's head. "I will end you." Every gun in the room landed on the threat before her. Sharon just smirked.

"I thought you weren't the Winter Soldier anymore."

"I'm not but I can still eliminate a threat to protect the people I care about."

Sharon laughed. "That's rich. Go ahead, Barnes. Shoot me. See how long she lasts when you kill the only person who knows how to save her. That'll be a great way to protect her."

Bucky's jaw ticked as he pressed the gun harder into her head but Sharon just held his gaze. Bucky knew she had him. If he killed her, Ray was as good as dead.

One of her men walked directly up to Bucky without hesitation and snatched the gun from him, shoving his shoulder to push him away from Sharon and Ray.

Sharon jabbed a needle into Ray's arm and pressed the syringe down, injecting the substance. "That's just to slow down the toxin I dosed you with a minute ago. I was hoping to make you sick enough to convince them to let me take you, but...Can't have you dying on me before we finish our plans."

"Wait, it's true? You're the Power Broker?" Sam spoke up from across the room.

"That's why we couldn't find the records. You cleared them from the computers before we even got there," Torres mumbled.

"That was a good tip, Sam. That you were going to take down my operations in Nova Scotia? Made it easy to clear out anything useful. Well...except for her. I needed her to complete her mission. She was programmed to kill you. Unfortunately, she didn't do it fast enough and you exploited her weakness." She glanced at Bucky. "Now...Reaper, are you going to complete your mission?"

Ray didn't respond. She glanced around the room, assessing the situation. There were two armed guards each on Torres and Sam, four on Bucky. Sharon had come prepared.

Sharon hit Ray with a cattle prod, sending her to her hands and knees, gasping for breath before the guard behind her jerked her back to her feet.

Bucky jerked forward. "Leave her alone!" The guards on either side of him pulled him back, a hand on each shoulder. He shook them off but stayed where he was, held back by the sound of a gun against Ray's head cocking, preparing to fire. He needed a plan. He needed Sharon to give them the answers before he killed her.

"Well? I'm waiting for an answer."

"I'm not gonna do your dirty work."

Sharon kicked the back of Ray's knee, dropping her to the ground and jamming her knee into Ray's abdomen. Ray doubled over and Sharon shocked her again. The guards grabbed Bucky again as he lurched once more, guns to his head.

"That's enough." Sam quickly interrupted. "Come on, Sharon."

"You know, I like you Sam. You weren't my target. I even blew up my warehouse to keep you out of it. Figured if Cap's best friend was dead, you'd walk away. just couldn't leave it alone."

Death Where is Your Sting? - B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now