Chapter 28

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"I don't like this, Sam."

"I'm with Sergeant Barnes."

"This is not up for debate!"

Bucky, Sam, and Joaquin stood in the basement of Sam's house in DC, staring at Ray. Sam had used some old Stark tech magnetic handcuffs Nat had taken from SHIELD back in the day to restrain Ray's hands behind her back and laid her on a spare mattress Bucky had carried to the basement. They'd agreed it was necessary but Bucky hated himself for making her a prisoner.

"How long do you think it'll take to bring her back?"

Bucky sighed at Torres's question. "No idea. We don't really know what they did to her, how much they've wiped from her memory. Or what'll be the trigger to bring it back."

"Speaking of, Torres, why don't you head up and get cracking on the data. I promised Sharon some -"

"Sharon? Really?"

"We're gonna need some extra eyes on this, Buck. Don't worry, we're getting the first glance at it. We won't let anything about Ray get out if we can help it."

Bucky rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, turning his attention back to Ray.


"I'm on it. Let me know if I can help down here."

"Will do, man. Thanks." Sam turned back to Bucky. "So we gonna talk about it?"

Bucky gave him a questioning look. Sam raised his eyebrows at him and Bucky turned a chair around to sit in it backwards, resting his arms on the back to watch Ray. He was avoiding the question. He didn't want to talk about what Ray had been able to do in Nova Scotia.

"It was her, wasn't it?"

Bucky sighed and shook his head. "Can we not?"

"You said she had to be touching you to -"

"She does! She...did. I have no idea how she did it. I never saw Raven do anything to anyone she wasn't touching. And the've read the reports. The deaths were all hands on. Even when -" Bucky stopped, remembering how Ray had killed the men who had...attacked her. They wouldn't get off. I - something ruptured. There was so much blood. They'd been touching her. "It was always through touch."

"She's been there, what, a month or so? Could they have found a way to amplify her power? Or maybe just through practice?"

"Torture." On the plane ride to DC, Bucky had checked Ray for trackers, wires, anything that'd allow the Power Broker to find her again. When he'd changed her into clean, comfortable clothes (that also covered more of her skin), he'd seen the marks, the scars that had not been there before.

"I'm sorry, Buck."

"Yeah. Me too."

"Listen, we don't know how long she's gonna be out. You should -"

"I'm good. I want to be here when she wakes up. You've been working overtime. You head up and get some rest."

"Alright, man. You let me know if you need a break."

"Thanks. Hey, make sure Joaquin eats."

"I'll be back with food for you too." He gave Bucky a pointed look and Bucky huffed out a chuckle before turning back to Ray.

You've gotta come home, Ray. Come back to me.


The Reaper slowly woke on her side, an ache in her shoulder from laying on it. She groaned.

Death Where is Your Sting? - B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now