Chapter 23

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Bucky heard Sam and Joaquin talking in the kitchen as he descended the stairs.

"-MIA and Wong says Strange is in another universe."

"So the Power Broker's the only option."

"Well, we better find 'em fast." Sam and Torres turned to Bucky as he spoke.

Sam held a plate of food out to him. "How is she?"

"Still fevered but cooler. She's sleeping." Bucky took the plate and set it on the counter beside him, his worry eating his appetite away. "What's the latest?"

"Torres thinks he's got it to one of two locations but Phoenix looks the most promising. I asked Sharon what she's got for -."


"Yeah, she's looking for the Power Broker too, remember? I wanted to see if anything she found might jive with Torres's research."

"And did it?"

"Phoenix. It's the only one both she and Torres had on the list."

"Alright. When do we leave?"

"I have a plane readying for us to leave in an hour, working on car arrangements once we land." Torres's eyes never left his computer, fingers flying across the keyboard.

"Perfect. Who's staying with Ray?"

Sam and Torres exchanged a glance. "Buck, she has to come with us."

"What? No."

"It's too far. She's declining fast. If this is the right place and we get the...antidote or whatever she would take too long to get back here with it. She needs to be close."

Bucky hung his head. "I don't like it. It's too risky. Too close to-"

"I know. But it's her best chance, Buck."

"I'll stay in the car with her, hang back a few blocks away so I'll be available. You and Sam will go in, clear the space. Then I'll bring Ray in, or you can grab what she needs and bring it to us." Torres tried to reassure Bucky.

Bucky eyed both of them. "You got building schematics?" Torres nodded. "Let's see them. We leave nothing to chance."


A knock on the cockpit door had Torres turning to find Sam in the doorway. "How you doing, Joaquin?"

"Good. Clear skies. Easy flying." He glanced sideways at Sam. "How is she?"

Sam blew out a breath. "Not great. Fever's spiked again. She's barely conscious."

"If I'm wrong about this location, he'll kill me."

"If we're wrong, he'll kill everybody." Sam laughed. "Think you can kick auto pilot on for a half hour to review the plan?"

Torres flipped some switches. "Let's do it."


Sam drove them past the warehouse to the rendezvous point, Torres in the passenger seat, Bucky cradling a half-conscious Ray in the back. Her chills were unceasing, fever raging, muscles twitching. Sam parked and turned to speak to everyone. "Alright, let's follow the plan. In and out as fast as possible. Y'all ready?"

Torres nodded, climbing out and waiting by the backseat door.

Sam patted Ray's knee. "Alright, Sleeping Beauty. We'll be back quick and you'll be good as new before you know it. Torres will take good care of you while we're gone."

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