Chapter 14

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Ray woke in Bucky's arms, boiling under the blankets with his heat. She took a moment to take him in. Head back, mouth slightly open, hair all mussed from sleep. One arm beneath her head, cradled beside his body, the other draped over his stomach, fingers grazing her hip. His massive chest rising and falling steadily, muscles on display. And the scars - scars...

She'd never seen them. She knew he had a metal arm - but she'd never seen where it joined his body. The scars looked angry, man-made. Cruel. They twisted and curled and created hills and valleys on his skin as hers did. Without thinking, she reached out and touched them, tracing them with her finger tips - until Bucky's hand enveloped hers.

"Morning." His eyes remained shut, but he turned his head toward her, a goofy grin on his face. He lifter her hand to his lips and kissed it.

"I'm sorry."

Bucky opened his eyes, moving his head on the pillow to see her better, brows furrowed. "For what?"

Her eyes darted to his shoulder. "Do they hurt? Did I -"

"Not anymore. And no, you were fine. Just let me know you were awake, is all."

"I shouldn't have-"

"It was kind of nice actually."


"Yeah. You're very gentle."

She snorted.

"What? It's true."

"Mmm. Okay, Barnes."

"Barnes? Am I in trouble?"

She sighed. "You done me wrong, Barnes."

"What? What'd I -"

"You went and stole my heart when I wasn't looking. And without asking."

A goofy grin spread across Bucky's face. "Doll, you ain't seen nothin' yet."

Ray burst out laughing. "Oh, you really are old!"

"Hey! That's how we all talked when I was growing up."

"Yeah? Did you also walk up hill both ways to school?"

"You know what -" Bucky stopped, his face falling a bit.  Ray looked confused for a moment before recognition dawned.

"Hm. Hard to come up with a good come back when I don't have a name."


"It's fine, Bucky. It's - can't change it."

"We can keep looking though. It's gotta be somewhere, right?" She shrugged. "And if not..." His grin was growing again. " can always take mine."

"Well, that'd just be confusing. How would anyone tell us apart?"

Bucky laughed, rolling to his back and running his hands down his face to wake himself up. Did I just ask her to take my last name? Man, I've got it bad.

"What time is it?"

"Uh..." Bucky grabbed his phone. "10:35."


"Mmm. Guess we were both tired."

"And comfortable."

Bucky looked back towards Ray. Her face was pointed towards the ceiling, and Bucky studied her profile. Sleeping Beauty. A contented grin settled on his features as he rolled back to face her.

Ray felt his gaze on her, so she turned to him, a crooked grin on her lips. "What?"

"Sleeping Beauty."

Death Where is Your Sting? - B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now