Chapter 17

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Quiet voices. Pounding in her head. So groggy. Ray let out a soft groan.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty."

Ray opened her eyes. Captain America. He had a soft smile on his face - but it didn't quite reach his eyes, which were full of doubt, and she didn't miss the way his hand rested on the gun strapped to his thigh. She closed her eyes again to block out the image. "Sam...what'd I do?"

"Nothing." Bucky quickly snapped from behind her. He didn't want her to know that she'd -

"If that were true, Sam wouldn't be fingering his gun." Bucky and Sam exchanged a look Ray didn't care to interpret as Sam subtly removed his fingers. Ray stretched and looked around. "Where are we?"

"Safe house. You and Buck should lay low for a while."

"Mmm. Shower that way?" Ray stuck her thumb over her shoulder, gesturing toward the door behind her.

Sam nodded. "Towels are on the counter, should be clothes in the bureau."

She gave him a mock salute as she walked away.

Bucky waited until she was out of the room. "She's pissed."

"She's mad at the Power Broker. And herself. Not you."

"That's almost worse."

"She'll be fine. I think the safe house will be good. Get her some distance from the situation, maybe some peace of mind."

Bucky shook his head. "She won't have peace of mind until the Power Broker is gone."

"Either way, you guys need to stay here. We don't know what the Power Broker has planned. And after -"

"Yeah, Ray's not the only one they're capable of taking down." Bucky sighed. "Thanks for this , Sam."

Sam headed for the door. "Sure. Torres can gonna bring some supplies at the end of the week. Let him know what you need."

"Alright. I'm here if you need me but otherwise..."

"I know. No secrets so keep you out of it. Take care of each other."

"Bye, Sam."

Bucky took a seat on the couch while he waited for Ray to finish her shower, resting his head on the back of the couch and closing his eyes. How was he going to explain what happened without upsetting her further? He understood the self-hatred. He'd been used against his friends on more than one occasion. He didn't want to cause any setbacks for her...or them, together.

"Nice bruise."

Bucky opened his eyes to see Ray striding through the living room toward the kitchen, hair pulled back, still wet. She'd covered every inch of skin she could. Probably to stay warm, Bucky thought. But it wasn't.

"I'm sorry about that."

"What? No. It wasn't -"

"Don't lie. I know."

Bucky sighed. He'd hoped to spare her from this. "It'll be gone by morning. No harm done. You throw a mean right hook, by the way."

Ray scoffed, her head in the fridge, looking for something to cook. She was restless, needing to move, to have something to focus on without needing to really think. Bucky came up behind her, wanting to hold her. He'd nearly lost her - physically and mentally - and went to place his hands on her waist. Before he could touch her, she'd sensed his closeness and jerked away, her hand out to keep him at arms length. "Don't!"


"I'm serious, Bucky. You don't know-"

"What? If you'll hurt me? You won't. I'm sick of you telling me -"

Death Where is Your Sting? - B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now