The root of it all

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Avantika's POV

"You seem happy today Avantika. Well, I won't say, the same happy Avantika I have known all these years, but yeah, you seem a bit better than you had been for a few days, no, a few months."

Rahul and I were sat in my cabin discussing some details of an upcoming attempt to murder case.

"Yeah, you can say so. I know you had offered me to be my listening ear, and honestly, I had almost taken up on that, but now things seem a bit better than they had been for some days. That's what I think and maybe, that's how it is.", I offered him half a smile, which he mirrored.

"By the way, Aarush was so excited to meet Sara after all these days. One of these days, you and Abhiram have to come over to our home for dinner or lunch. Better, come for lunch. We will have a whole day for chatting and the kids will also enjoy and play together. What do you think?", Rahul offered in an excited tone.

Sara was his daughter who was a year older than Aaru, and the two of them got along really really well, thanks to their shared love for all those princesses.

Whenever, I would bring Aaru to my office, he would first enter the play area and search for Sara. Rahul's wife Priya had a really demanding government job and would be able to make time for him and Sara only on the weekends. Rest of the days, he would collect her from her pre-school and bring her in the firm itself. For that matter, he had resorted to paperwork majorly unless a court hearing was an absolute necessity. That way he could stay in the firm, get work done and also look after Sara.

I liked Rahul's suggestion.

"It sounds wonderful Rahul, but won't we be intruding upon yours and Sara's time with Priya?"

"Not at all. In fact, she too pressed me for inviting you guys.", he grinned.

I had been done with my work earlier today and was gladdened about this since today while leaving Abhiram had insisted on coming home earlier than usual. He did not really state what it was about, but as it is, I was done with my work.

"Ma'am you need to collect that order from the court.", my assistant reminded me.

"Oh, yes, thanks for reminding."

The district court was on my way home, so collecting the order won't be much of an issue. Just I would need to have Aaru safely in the car for fifteen minutes or so, then again, leaving him in the car doesn't feel safe at all.

It would be better if I take him with me inside. At least that way he would be with me.

"Let's go little boy. Momma has some work, but you won't leave my hand, will you?", I glanced down at him as he had wrapped his palm around my index finger.

He glanced up towards me and grinned, "No momma, Aaru good boy."

I grinned back at him and ruffled his hair.

"Bhabhi, Avantika bhabhi."


Pratik bhai?

I turned around to see a uniform clad Pratik bhai sprinting towards me.

"Are bhai. Aap yaha?", I was surprised because his police station did not fall under the jurisdiction of this court.

(Are bhai. Aap yaha - (bhai - brother in law, here), aap yaha - you are here?)

"Hi bhabhi. I was a witness in one of the cases here, the in-charge PI (police inspector) had collaborated with me for the case, so had to be here.", he explained with a smile.

But I would be a fool to not notice the pain behind his smile. As he greeted Aaru who immediately went into his arms, I took in Pratik bhai's form. His usual cheerful and confident demeanour had been clouded by shades of grief it seemed. Of course, for all the obvious reasons.

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