Dinner and Disaster

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Avantika's POV

"Momma, ice cream.", my naughty little nugget bounced up and down in his seat.

It was near about two weeks since our date and that much required conversation. Since then, I had become quite receptive of Abhiram's efforts - how could I not be, that man was so damn sweet and thoughtful each time, but then, when had he been not except for that incident and the aftermath. And also, Dr. Godbole's sessions were proving to be quite helpful for dealing with the bitterness and negative emotions. Honestly, it felt good to be getting rid of such emotions, my, mind had started feeling quite better by eliminating all of what had accumulated within - all of the unwanted things.

Presently, to celebrate Abhiram's firm completing a prestigious project - a famous chef's dream farmhouse, him, Aaru and I were in our favourite restaurant. We had a hearty meal, followed by a scrumptious dessert. Yet, here was our little Aaru insisting for ice cream.

"No Aaru. You had the fruit custard, hai na (isn't it)? Dadda had asked if you wanted to have something else, but you yourself ordered this right? So no more desserts or sweets for now.", my voice was gentle, but firm.

As much as we loved to dote on our Aaru, as much as we loved to pamper him, we were careful enough to not spoil him. We were not the strict type of parents, a far cry from it, but we were careful enough to discipline him wherever necessary.

"Dadda", the clever little boy pouted and tried to appease his dad.

"No, not happening Aaru. You must listen to momma about this, hmm?", Abhiram too was firm.

Aaru tried his best to convince us with his puppy eyes and adorable gestures. I could see Abhi melting, and even I had come close to accepting.

"Uhh, lets see. If Aaru manages to complete his alphabets correctly tomorrow, dadda will be taking him out for his favourite ice cream. How does that sound?", Abhiram tricked him.

"Yes dadda, yes.", he nodded vehemently in response, making us chuckle at his eagerness.

I told Abhiram and Aaru to wait for me after we were done with our bills. I had parked the car in a farther place since the parking lot of the restaurant was already filled to the full capacity. Instead of making Aaru walk for that distance, we thought it would be wise for me to just get the car here.

I had just been gone a few steps when all of a sudden I heard something different. It was a loud noise of some sorts - some approaching car, or truck, I am not sure. Hold up, such a speedy vehicle in this part of the city - extremely unlikely. As the weird buzzing sound got closer, just to make sure of what it actually was, I turned around.

I saw my Abhiram and Aaru standing on the street, Aaru in his dadda's arms blabbering something and making Abhi chuckle. But I also saw an extremely speeded car swiftly moving their way, as if it intended to hit them.

I felt my throat getting dry with a sudden bout of anxiety and trepidation, a massive lump forming in my stomach, and no matter how much I wanted to move my feet in their direction, they somehow seemed frozen to the very ground they stood upon.

The car was approaching and I wanted to yell out aloud to Abhi to just move move asides, but he was stuck in his conversation with our son, and they both seemed oblivious of what was nearing them.

I do not how and from where, but somehow I felt myself moving in their direction and I found myself chanting the name of Lord Krishna.

(Lord Krishna - a Hindu god)

"Abhi", my own shrill scream reverberated in my ears. Abhi's eyes widened at my sudden call, and he glanced at me. I gestured him to quickly just move asides and to my luck, he did just in the nick of time. The car buzzed past him, the mirror striking his left arm. Thankfully, that was the only part of the car which came in contact with him.

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