Happy again

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Abhiram's POV

The past few days had turned out to be really stressful. I had to travel to Gandhinagar for meeting a few clients. I must say, the project with Mr. Joshi proved to be really fruitful for our firm - we started getting a number of high profile clients. If this streak continues, we might reach where we had always wanted to be - the topmost firm in the state. Although, there's a long way to go, but a person can dream right?

As for Avi, she too a number of hearings in the court. One in the high court for which she had to travel to Ahmedabad.

Amidst all of this chaos, we had little to no time to discuss of Kinjal's misdeeds the other day. When we had returned home with Aaru that day, we had simply had a light dinner with minimal conversation, particularly avoiding that topic and then had slept away all that exhaustion.

But today was a relaxed day - I mean, not just it being a Saturday, but the both of us were at home. I had delegated some important tasks to Hitesh, and although they were important, they were not on my priority just yet. So I could relax. Avi too did not have the pressure of an upcoming hearing. And there we were, the three of us, snuggled deep into the warm covers and basking in the faint, much needed sun rays coming in through the window in the cold wintery morning. Though it was 9 AM, the sunlight was really mild.

"Ahh", I could feel my own groan resonating in the quiet room as I felt a sturdy kick on my belly. Turning over to the side, I noticed Aaru's leg resting over there.

That little nugget.

"Ahh", a similar groan from Avi. Our dear little brat had carelessly thrown an arm around his mother's face practically hitting her. This boy seemed so little and tiny, but his hits were quite effective.

Seeing her palming her face and groaning, at her sleep being disturbed, I chuckled aloud.

"What?", she threw an annoyed glance at me.

"Your face.", I asserted and she nodded still palming it.

"Well, my belly.", I shrugged.

"Dadda, Seb run.", Aaru whispered and then started flailing his legs.

Seems like my baby was in the midst of a vivid dream probably involving me and Sebastian, the crab.

"Great, now I share a dream with that irritating crab.", I muttered.

"As it is he has waken us up, let's freshen up.", Avi suggested.

I saw her getting up from the bed, stretching her arms and stifling a yawn, which still managed to escape. Whilst doing so, her t-shirt had ridden up her waist, and my gaze traversed there and got fixated upon her beautiful waist. As though guided by pure instinct based on an exodus of memories filled with love of the past, I got up from the bed, and approached her gradually.

Seeing me nearing, she must have sensed my intentions since her sleep was now completely brushed off and she too stared at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. My wife was so f*cking gorgeous. Hair swept over to one side of her neck, that sleepy puffed face of hers, and again, those eyes, those gorgeous eyes which stared at me.

Our eyes were locked together as I neared her gradually. I encircled my arm around her waist, resting my palm on that part where her t-shirt had ridden up earlier. Raising that portion of her t-shirt, my palm came in contact with the bare skin there, and my hand must be cold, since she flinched, but then relaxed, her palms coming to rest on my chest.

I began lowering my face towards her. Nothing else mattered in this moment. All I was capable of thinking was her beautiful lips approaching mine, and the way I would make her breathless in a few, with my kiss. I sensed her ragged breathing as she neared me more, and I am sure, she must have sensed mine too. I could feel the subtle, yet affectionate movement of her palms on my chest, and she must have felt my sensual caressing of her waist.

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