Chapter Two

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Tying my tie and grabbing my robe. I run my fingers through my hair and groan. Eight more months, and I'll be free of this hell hole. I don't know what I'll do once I graduate, but I do know that I'll fly away as far as possible. I need a fresh start, especially after what I did over a year ago.

"Ominis, are you ready?" I call out as I grab my wand. "We're going to be late!"

"Since when do you care about being late?" he fires back, and I nod to myself.

"Touché." Slipping on my robe, I stare at my reflection. I'm not who I used to be, and I don't look like the boy I once was, either. My chestnut hair is no longer unruly. I started slicking it back and letting a random curl rest upon my brow. My eyes still hold a flicker of mischief, but they also hold something darker.

When Ominis told me that he wanted to turn me in for killing my uncle, but Amara talked him out of it, I vowed to be better. I no longer use any of the curses I used to cast without a second thought. I don't visit the scriptorium or the catacombs anymore. And I don't roam the Forbidden Forest looking for trouble.

I won't lie. The first few months after Ranrok's demise was tough. Moments after the house cup ceremony, Amara disappeared. No one knew where she went. She vanished without a trace. I spent weeks on my broom combing the Hamlets and mountains. I only stopped when Poppy told me she received an owl from her. All she would share was that Amara wasn't doing well, and she was somewhere safe.

I was angry. After all we've been through. After all the times she helped me climb out of the crevices of my mind, why wouldn't she let me help her? Why would she leave me without sending word? I thought we were close, but apparently, I was wrong.

I got in trouble more times than I can count. I nearly got expelled when I almost burned down the astronomy tower. Ominis stepped in and helped me channel my fury in another way. We spent hours in the undercroft, destroying barrels and crates. Beating the shit out of training dummies. With him, I let my anger out in my magic. But with Imelda? I let my anger out physically.

I reacted selfishly. I know that now. Never in a thousand years would I use someone else for my own gratification. Imelda gave me the attention I craved, and I was desperate for a distraction. We're nothing more than friends with heavy benefits. Nothing turned serious, and I don't think it ever will. Not while Amara haunts my heart.

Pulling myself away from the mirror. Ominis finishes straightening his tie and pulls his wand out of his robe's pocket.

"Ok, now I'm ready." Walking out of our shared room, we stroll side by side to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. The walk is short, but it doesn't take me long to notice that Ominis is quiet.

"Something on your mind?" I ask as we come to a stop outside Professor Hecate's classroom. Ominis shifts uncomfortably, and the gesture riles my nerves.

"I heard a rumor," his tone is tense, like he's afraid to tell me what he overheard.

"Since when do we care about rumors?" I ask with an arched brow.

"Since this particular rumor involves Amara Pendragon." Hearing her name out loud stirs my core in unrest. Ominis stopped bringing her up when he noticed the mention of my once dear friend upset me. She didn't send me one owl when she left. I tried to connect with her, but all my owls returned with the letter still attached to their talons. When I caught Poppy's owl flying north, I tailed him, but that sucker was smart. He dodged me and left me spinning in circles. I know Amara wasn't doing well, but that didn't stop my heart from breaking. At the end of the day, I miss her more than I'm upset with her.

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