Chapter Eight

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Ten minutes.

I'm pacing outside the Common Room entrance, counting down the seconds.

Eight minutes.

A silly grin spreads across my face as my fingers touch my lips. Sebastian kissed me, and all I want to do is scream in glee and kiss him again. I've never felt this way before. He's always made me feel seen and like I was more than my magical abilities. We went down a rough path during our fifth year. I was worried he was using me for my magic, but we've made up since then. I know Sebastian never meant to treat me like a tool. He only ever wanted to help her sister, and we still will. I'll help him until my dying breath to save Anne.

Five minutes.

What will happen once he gets here? The idea of him in my room, in my bed, holding me, is nerve-wracking but exhilarating.

Three minutes.

Will anything more happen? Merlin's beard...I don't know if I'm ready for anything more than kissing and cuddling. But knowing Sebastian and how he makes me feel... I might change my mind. He's riled feelings I've never felt before, and I'm dizzy from the prospect.

One minute.

Spinning around, I watch the staircase leading down into the basement. Willing the man who stole my heart to walk down them and whisk me away.

Two minutes late.

I start to play with the hem of my shirt. My stomach slowly drops in anticipation. What would he and Imelda be talking about? Why did she chase us down anyway?

Five minutes late.

Surely their conversation could have waited until morning. He wouldn't leave me waiting like this. She's probably talking his ear off, trying to stall him. He'll be here soon.

Twenty minutes late.

He's not coming...

My heart plummets into my stomach. He and Imelda have a past. For all I know, she's in his bed, and he's forgotten all about me.

Did I really think anything more than friendship could brew between us? The sexual tension was real, but now that we've kissed, maybe he's ready to brush me to the side.

Perhaps I'm not the one he sees himself with. Maybe he didn't feel anything when he kissed me. Besides, I'm no one special. I'm just the girl who got her mentor killed. I'm the foolish child who thought she could save Hogwarts, and even though I did, I lost myself in the process.

Sebastian deserves someone selfless. A witch or wizard who will put him first, who will love him and care for him for all eternity. I know I can be the one to love him, but I already failed the first step. I ran because I was selfish and scared...

Twenty-five minutes late.

With a sigh, I turn around and wipe the tears from my eyes. Walking over to the wooden panels, I tap the sequence for the Common Room door to open.

Before I enter, the sound of footsteps rushes toward me. A wave of hope collides in my chest. I step back into the corridor, but my smile drops when Poppy approaches me.

"You thought I was someone else... didn't you?"

I nod solemnly. "Did you see him? He was supposed to meet me here nearly thirty minutes ago."

Seeing You Again: Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now