Chapter Seven

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Sebastian offers me his hand, but I'm stuck in shock.


My drunken one-night stand found me, and he's being a total foul-mouthed asswipe about it. He thought he could embarrass me further. Well, he's wrong. The alcohol is doing wonders in giving me all the courage I need to stand up to him and Imelda.

It was foolish of me to lose my virginity in a drunken stupor, but I'm not beating myself up over it anymore.

When I first distanced myself from Hogwarts and my friends, I was a wreck. The grief that overwhelmed me put my mind in a dark state, and I needed something, anything, to distract me from the pain. I was drinking in the Three Broomsticks, making sure no one I recognized entered. It was a Wednesday night, so I had a feeling I would be safe.

Rylan entered alone. He ordered a drink and sat at a corner table in the room. I remember watching him. He looked sad, alone, hurt.

Like me.

I was a few drinks in by that point, so I walked up to him, and we started talking. He had a rough day, something about a bad grade in Muggle History. We kept drinking, scooting closer to one another every time we finished a goblet. Everything was blurry by the time we started kissing. Everything was a haze when we ended up in a dark alleyway.

I don't remember him fucking me, but I know it happened.

Honestly? I don't recall it being a pleasurable experience...

We swore we would meet up the next day, and stupidly, I showed up only for him to bail.

Gryffindor students are supposed to be honorable. Rylan must be the only exception.

"Amara?" Sebastian's deep luxurious voice calls down to me. I don't know when he shifted from the couch, but he's still offering me his hand.

"What are we doing?" I ask, and giggles from my friends follow suit. Keeping his gaze on me, Sebastian smirks kindly.

"We're going to my room."

"Why?" I wasn't paying attention, and now everyone thinks I'm an airhead.

"Trust me," Sebastian reassures.

Darting my eyes at Rylan, his smug smirk makes my stomach roll, and nausea boils in my throat. Without hesitating a moment further, I place my hand in Sebastian's and stand.

His fingers curl around mine, securing me by his side as we walk up the dark chestnut staircase. The handrail is handcrafted with a snake slithering up to the second floor. Sebastian and I are quiet as he takes us to his room. The only noise that echoes down the hall is lingering laughter and our feet clacking against the floor.

"Do you have your own room?" I ask to break the silence.

"Ominis and I used to share, but we opted to have our own space this year."

"Because of Imelda?" The question flies out of my mouth before I can give it a second thought.

"No, not because of Imelda." Sebastian doesn't look at me as he responds, and his voice is low with a hint of a grumble.

When we reach the end of the hall, Sebastian casts alohomora on the door's lock. It clicks open, and Sebastian gestures for me to step inside.

Seeing You Again: Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now