Chapter Sixteen

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"Where have you been?" Poppy practically jumps me when I return to our room. "Are you okay? I was so worried?" She holds me by my shoulders, her eyes scanning every pore on my face.

"I'm fine," I let out with a small smile.

"Sebastian found you?"

And some...

"He did. I wasn't in the right state of mind. Imelda pushed me over the edge."

"She needs to be careful. Doesn't she know that you spent your entire fifth year off on quests, defeating poachers and dark wizards?"

I scoff while stepping back.

"Don't make that noise at me," she lectures.

I turn to face her again. Her hands are on her hips. "She's only acting out because you broke her records then stole her man—"

"I did not steal her man," I cut her off.

She smirks at me. "Tell that to the hickey on your neck."

"What!?" I scramble toward the mirror and examine my reflection. Poppy laughs behind me, and I purse my lips.

"I totally got you," she chuckles. "I wasn't born yesterday, Amara. You and Sebastian always had something deeper brewing; it's bubbling over, and it's about time."

"Sebastian and I..." I turn to face her, allowing my shoulders to drop. "We need to learn how to be friends again. I need to re-earn his trust and more."

Poppy rolls her eyes and makes a face. "Seriously? Ugh, you two are so aggravating sometimes. Let yourself be happy!"

I look at her before smiling softly. "I'm trying."

With a grin in return, Poppy walks toward me and hugs me. "I know..."


The Great Hall is humming with energy. It's Friday, which only means one thing: the first Quidditch game, and it's Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. I stroll in wearing a Hufflepuff yellow cardigan and black trousers. I don't have any classes today, so I'm taking the time to refresh my mind. I sit in my usual spot, and not long after, Poppy and Natty sit across from me.

I smile at Natty in her Quidditch uniform. "You look good."

She beams in response. "Thank you, Amara. I'm so nervous."

"You're going to be fantastic," Poppy reassures as I pick at a chocolate chip muffin.

"Who will you be cheering for during the game?" Natty asks me with a knowing smile.

I open my mouth to respond, but I'm cut off by blaring hoots and hollering. "Let's go, Slytherin!"

The three of us turn to face the doors, and I wish I didn't blush when I caught sight of Sebastian. He's wearing his uniform. It fits his figure and embellishes his physique. His arms bulge through the long-sleeve top. The Slytherin insignia is embroidered by his right pec. I rest my chin on my hand, allowing myself the moment to admire him and remember the moment we shared yesterday.

When he smiles, my stomach flutters, and the blood in my veins becomes two times hotter. The amount of self-control I need to summon to hold myself from running toward him is immense. I was a fool for saying we should be friends before we move on to something more. A damn fool.

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