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Freen paused at the top of the stairs, allowing the stairwell door to swing shut behind her. Her smile stretched from ear to ear, so wide it made her cheeks sore, but she didn't care. This was it. She'd made it. She was an official student at the University of Busan. Her dorm room was only a few steps down the hall.

New school. New dorm. New life. Less than a year ago, she wouldn't have believed it was possible. Everyone, from enforcers to judges to wardens, had viewed her as little more than a juvenile delinquent. Another bad seed. A statistic in the system. Now, this. So much could change in ten months.

Freen adjusted her duffel on her shoulder, took a deep breath to savor the moment, and walked down the hall. At least, she started walking. She paused again as a strange scent tickled her nose, something sweet and earthy. Her smile fell into a frown.

Is that... omega? In the alpha dorms? She sniffed again. This floor definitely smelled like omega. Several omegas. That didn't make sense. The University of Busan had segregated dorms, a relic from the past that upset as many students and parents as it pleased.

Freen set her duffel on the ground. She rummaged in her pocket, searching for a slip of paper: JRJ Rebecca Hall, Room 306. She'd checked the placard outside the building and this was the third floor. So, why was she in a dorm that smelled so strongly of omegas?

Maybe they reclassified this dorm as an alpha dorm? If omegas were here last year or over the summer, it might still smell like them. Somehow, Freen doubted that. The swirl of delightful scents seemed fresh and potent, not stale leftovers from several months ago.

With a shrug, Freen retrieved her duffel and headed for room 306. Maybe her dorm mate-Josephine? Jessie? She'd only srebeccamed the letter containing her roommate assignment-would know something.

Room 306 was only a short distance from the stairwell. Freen knocked, then waited. (She'd never take privacy for granted again after spending six months in little more than a cage, where the guards could burst in at any time.)

"Come in," a voice called from inside.

Freen opened the door. A powerful, alluring scent slapped her in the face. She stood there, stunned, as the crisp smell of citrus and sex assaulted her nose. Her heartbeat hammered in her ears. All the blood in her body shot straight between her legs, causing the front of her cargo pants to constrict.

She blinked, overwhelmed. Her brain could barely process visuals, but when the source of that delectable smell swam into view, her stomach somersaulted. The most beautiful omega Freen had ever seen stood inside the room.

The omega had soft classic features; intense, catlike eyes; and full lips that frowned as soon as their eyes met. She wore her long, dark hair in a ponytail, a white blouse so crisp it had to be new, and freshly creased pants that hugged her generous hips to perfection. Her figure was curvy but slim, while her bearing radiated authority rather than sex appeal.

She wasn't beautiful in the way of blonde, buxom advertisements, glammed-up exotic dancers, or rangy, tattooed badasses with a plethora of piercings-the popular types back home in Thailand. Freen appreciated those types, but this woman was something else entirely.

Freen did her best not to stare, but she couldn't help herself. Her eyes dropped to the omega's breasts of their own accord and stayed there until she squeezed them shut. Even with her eyes closed, electricity prickled across every inch of skin she possessed. She risked opening them again. From somewhere outside her body, she realized she was walking forward and extending her hand without any input from her brain. Her tongue felt thick and clumsy in her mouth, and all she could think to say was, "Hey. I'm free-"


Freen stopped. There was even more authority in this omega's voice than there was in her posture. Her low, firm alto almost made Freen sway on her feet with dizzy delight. She felt like one of those old-timey cartoons where a starving person floated on air toward a delicious-smelling dessert.

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