Chapter 16

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Something is wrong with me. I know I have always been a sucker for men who are kind to me, but this is ridiculous.

I have been scared, no, terrified, of Harwal. But now I think I'm having desperate hots for him. It's ridiculous. Bigger men haven't been my type since I was captured by Kor. I have avoided them like a plague. Not to mention him being a Zohra.

After I calmed down, he told me to freshen up, so Dante won't worry as my makeup was all over my face. He cleaned the files, served me food, he brought me coffee, made sure I was warm, and he kept talking about nonsensical things about his village. He even shushed my grandma as she tried to pester me about the missing pictures. I don't know what came over Harwal, as he just kept hovering over me.

He didn't touch me, but I wasn't allowed to touch either. So he's not trying to flirt. I'm confused. Maybe the protective instincts he spoke of kicked in, I don't know, but his behavior made my heart melt. And now that he's sleeping in Dante's room and I'm laying on the sofa, I'm really trying to wrap my head around this growing heat I feel.

I'm a sucker for the hero type, aren't I?

I know it's just because of all that happened. I know it's ridiculous, but can anyone blame me? If he was anyone else, they would've ditched me a long time ago for being such an ass.

I change the side I lay on and rub my face. I can't believe what kind of thoughts are rolling through my head when my friend is in danger. I felt like shit after seeing Kor again from the pictures, but for some reason, remembering that rapist doesn't give me even a tiny bit of anxiety. I feel oddly… safe.

I scoff at myself and sit up. I twirl the bracelet on my wrist and sigh. I… am safe. Greece is not. I get up and take myself a glass of water.

If Greece is really stuck with Kor, it's hell for her. I can't believe how horribly wrong this all went. It would've been better if I was the one taken. I know what to expect, but Greece doesn't know how cruel he could be. It's eating me alive, and I can't help her. I wish I could take her place.

I lean on the counter and press the cold glass on my forehead. I can only think this way after Harwal comforted me—Good fucking lord I'm starting to sound like an infatuated fool.

I shouldn't be thinking about the man at all. I should be thinking of a plan to help my friend. I need to be ready for anything.

I fill my glass and get back to my makeshift bed. If Greece is fine and I can free her, I should take her place. I need to take her place to make sure she can finish the mission with Harwal. I understand the severity of the situation now, much better than before.

Now isn't a time for me to think about my strange feelings. Nor is it time be fucked up in the head because of whatever happened to me. It isn't the time to act like a stupid hero. I must save her and help her get to the end of this.

I blow a breath and lie down, releasing a scent from the pillow. I squeeze my eyes shut and curse. The big man smells like the sun, a scent that doesn't fit this dark place. I can't get rid of my stupid thoughts if he keeps reminding me of himself with these things.

Morning is awful. I couldn't sleep a wink. My head is still in delirious land and unfortunately Harwal is the first one to wake up, around five. Just an hour before I fell asleep. It's not great.

He seems surprised to see me awake as he turns from closing Dante's door. "Morning," he says, his voice gruff from sleep. I do like the rough voice of a man waking up.

I gasp out a breath, rather than a word. As I seem unable to speak I wiggle my fingers as a wave. I wish he would say something completely rude that would snap me from this rose-glassed view.

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