Chapter 35

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Hello, finally back! I still have a few events this week, but will have more time after that. Sorry for the wait!


"I love you," I whisper, but it gets drowned out by Oris and Rios yelling loudly in the lobby.

Erel stops, and so do I, my eyes wide as plates. There's an Atorus almost as tall as Erel, cladded in a long black leather jacket, hugging the two brothers in a bearhug. I'm looking at them, but my mind is definitely not with them.

Did I just say 'I love you'? In the most unromantic moment? I'm scared to look at Erel. I'm not sure if I'm scared that he heard it, or scared that he didn't.

"My boys!" The big Atorus exclaims, pulling down a black scarf from his lower face, revealing gnarly scars all across his mouth. "I can't believe you are alive."

Rios and Oris run to his arms. The younger sobs quietly, squeezing his father's leather jacket tightly. "We are free."

Erel nudges my back and leans down to my level. "He is the high-commander of the Gultak, Narak. He looks mean, but near his children, he's not too bad."

I jerk a nod, not quite sure what to think. I glance at Erel. He has that knowing look in his eyes. I think he heard my confession, but decides not to say anything. I don't regret saying it, but I really should choose the place I open my mouth.

"So I should keep away if he's alone?" I ask, pushing down the need for confirmation.

Erel pokes my cheek with a nod. "That is so. He's a bit crass."

"There he is," Oris says with a sniffle, and we turn to him. Oris points at Erel with a shaky finger.

"Col'Karshok," Narak says with a rough, hoarse voice. The man stomps to us, his arms wide for a hug. I barely duck his arm as he slaps them around Erel. "I owe you my life again."

I inch back, staring wide-eyed at the gigantic guys. When the guy was further away, I thought he's as tall as Erel, but he's not losing on size either. He's built like a truck. It's so strange to see an Atorus so big. More unsettling is that he blatantly ignored me, but now he's giving me some mean side-eye. He's talking to Erel, but his eyes scan me up and down more than once. He frowns and turns his head to ignore me again.

I have no idea what he means by all that scrutiny. I stare at my attire, blue jeans and grey long sleeved shirt. There's nothing amazing or terrible about me. I look normal.

Oris and Rios come to my side as the other two rumble something to each other. The brothers have their faces banged up, reminding me of the show Greece told me about.

"You two," I hiss and point my finger at the closest one, Oris. "What happened last night?"

Oris's happy expression turns into a sour one. He looks at Rios angrily, and he returns the glare. "It's nothing for you to worry about."

"The hell it isn't." I cross my arms and shake my head. "What if you hurt Greece while you fought? Are you crazy?"

Rios wipes his swollen cheek and grunts. "I wouldn't."

"We wouldn't hurt a female," Oris agrees. "It was just a misunderstanding."

I sigh, unsure how to even berate them about it. According to Greece, she's done with the guys. There's no reason to scold them much further, as they've already gotten beaten for it, by each other.

"Is she sleeping? Is she okay?" Rios asks quietly, looking at me with puppy-eyes.

"She's fine. But I don't think she wants anything to do with you two." I frown, they look surprised by the news. I'm not going to step on that landmine. "Also, yesterday you got Dante to help with your prisoner. Could you not put him in dangerous situations? What if the guy got free and hurt him?"

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