Chapter 38

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Hello. It's been a long time since I've been active. There are many reasons, and it's a long story, but for those who are interested, I'll make it short:

I write stories to finish and release them as I edit them, but some idiot (spoiler; me) didn't cloud the last ones, and I lost them with my old phone breaking. In addition to that, life shat on my throat.

I had to have a break from writing as it stressed me out more, and I didn't want my problems affecting the things I write. I wanted everything to be done before I post, just in case my brain decides it's not up to it again, and I put hopes up for those who are waiting. But now it's finished, and it might have a bit more useless stuff than I really want, but I think the wait has been long enough. Happy holidays, and keep safe!


After escaping the vicinity of the kitchen, I'm stumped on what to do. The babies are sleeping, I'm no longer tired, and there's still a couple of hours until people start waking up. All there is left to do is wait. Wait for Erel to be fine. God, I hope he's fine.

The way everyone always speaks nonchalantly about Zohra getting injured one way or another jarrs me. They get hurt, too, right? Narak said Erel got hit "a couple dozen times" and he said it like it's a goddamn joke.

I trudge to the entrance, where the guard is still sleeping, and go outside. I blow out a breath and crouch down next to the entrance, staring at the clearing scenery. There aren't any ships nearby, and I didn't ask Narak where Erel would be, so I can't go searching for him. I would really like to go where he is, even though I couldn't be of any help. I want to be by his side, even if he doesn't need it.

I suppose I should be trying to sleep the precious free time I have, but knowing that Erel got drugged, I know I can't. I'm already worried about it. I can't imagine lying in bed trying to sleep with it hanging over my head. This is such a cursed city, only making more problems.

I sigh and cradle my head. It's one thing after another. And even after this, we still have his people to deal with. I don't even know if Erel had time to contact his Shurak about it all. It's frustrating to no end. Just as I figure out the shit in my head, another problem pops up. It's like the universe doesn't want us together.

Fuck the universe though. I can't and don't want to escape anymore. I'm ready to fight for it, no matter how much like a chicken I look while doing it.

The air slowly turns warmer, and a beam of sunlight pierces my eyes as I look around. I squint and try to find any life, but nobody is around. It's like a horrible ghost town, dark and depressing. It's a shitty sight, even in sunlight. To think that Dante spent his whole life in this black, ashy city. I've done a huge disservice to him, letting him rot in this place. I can't wait to show him what the world truly looks like.

Dante - the sun. I perk up at the notion and jerk up. I clap my hands in excitement and look at the rising sun one more time before going back inside. I rush up the stairs, up to my room, and open the door.

I stomp to the bed and shake the sprawled form. "Dante. Wake up." I nudge him again, getting a reaction. "Dante, I have something to show you."

He groans and opens one eye. "Mom?"

"Come on," I say and tug his arm, managing to make him sit up. "I want to show you something."

"I want to sleep a little more," he mumbles, crashing back down.

I sigh and try to see through the blackened window. I wipe and scrub the surface, but it won't show through no matter how much I try. It would be a shame if it becomes cloudy before Dante can see the sun.

"Is something wrong?" Dante mumbles.

"Nothing's wrong." I cross my arms and turn to his sleepy self, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I just want to show you something."

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