Chapter 44

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I thought about going to my room after Jas left, but the distraction I got from the girl's chatter was better than hiding under the covers. Jas is right. It's stupid that I thought to hide it. But I'm also scared, scared of what it means.

“Sofie—” Jas calls from the elevator, startling me. “Or was it Sofia? Whatever it is, come here.” She wags her fingers at me.

I excuse myself and get to her. She pulls me into the elevator and slaps the button to the main entrance. “Obviously Prince has a bit of difficulties coming here, but I forced a gas mask on him. Dunno if it does the trick, but we'll see.”

“We can't force him to come close,” I say with a frown. I already feel bad from the last time I saw him. “Apparently it—”

Jas shuts me up with one glare. “Shush. I told him if it's too bad he can skitter away like a newborn babe.”

I clamp my mouth shut and follow her to the door, where the guy is crouching, holding his hand over his mask. As soon as we stop he grunts in disgust.

“This is the worst feeling I've felt since our planet got destroyed,” he says, getting up. He pulls my turtleneck back and peers at my neck. He lets go as if he's been burned and grunts again. “I checked the blood. Nothing seems too different. There was a tiny trace of Zohra blood in it. Did you consume any?”

I shake my head, and he grunts again. “This is just as new to me as it is to you.” He taps his hand on my forehead and I can see his skin full of goosebumps. “Do you have anything other than a fever?” His voice turns strained.

“The mark stings a bit. More if I think about him.”

Prince takes a step back and rubs his arms. “I think it's about the same as how the pureblood would feel after leaving their partner. Only we do not have fevers. It shouldn't be deadly unless you're separating for months or something. It's not supposed to happen to the partner, but I guess it's because you're human,” he says, taking steps back with each sentence. “Just rest and wait. If it continues, then let's…check again. Now excuse me, I'm going to go hurl.” He turns quickly and runs towards the forest, ripping his mask off.

Jas snorts and covers the sun with her hand as she peers after the guy. “That is fucking hilarious. He's really throwing up.”

I rub my forehead. “He's kind for doing this.”

“I may have persuaded him,” Jas says, turning to me with a smirk. “He was very reluctant. I can see why.”

“What did you say?”

Jas shrugs and turns me towards the elevator. “It's nothing to worry about. I may have found a law that he disagreed with when I was going through them.”

“A law?”

“Something about arranged marriages.”

“You threatened him with getting him married to someone?”

“Oh yeah. A my-choice kinda thing,” she says with a chuckle. “I wouldn't, but he doesn't have to know that.”

“Thank you,” I say. “I feel a bit better that he confirmed my suspicions.”

Jas presses the button to our living quarters and twists her mouth. “He basically said he doesn't know. That doesn't help.”

I stare at the ground, the doctor's words spinning around in my head in a loop. He basically said I feel as Erel is. It's really not OK.

This night is by far the worst. I know it's because I'm worried about what the doctor said. I regret making Erel bite me. I should've held my tongue and let him handle the situation and not poke my nose in it. Again I'm the reason why shit got worse. What if I'm the reason why he…

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