Chapter 18

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Harwal evaluates me for a minute and then lifts my chin with one finger. "Do you want a kiss?"

I gasp, and my cheeks flush with heat. I'm not sure what that means for him. I like kissing, but if it means something more… I'm not sure if I want it.

I lower my eyelids and stare at his thick lips, ready to throw away my logic for a taste. "Maybe…do you?" I whisper and stare into his hooded eyes.

He takes my jaw between his thumb and index finger and leans closer. His breath fans on my lips for just one second, and then his soft lips press against mine.

Harwal licks my lower lip gently and then his canines nick my lower lip. I can taste a tinge of blood, but it's all very ignorable as his tongue invades my mouth. I gasp in surprise as his taste invades my mouth. It's oddly fruity and delicious.

Then it hits me. He tastes like mango.

I moan and lazily grab his wrist, pulling myself towards him to deepen the kiss. I haven't eaten any mango for years, nor has he been fed that, so how is it possible? The toothpastes are still the same old minty one. I guess he's a freak of nature that tastes like mango.

Harwal's tongue has a strange texture, but it feels good against mine. His hand slides on my jaw and around my head, and he pulls me closer tightly. I'm forced to sit up, no matter how my muscles feel like I can't. I'm sitting up, and his other hand comes to support me on the small of my back.

I press against him, and soon, I'm straddling him on top. I can feel his cock hard between me and his stomach and that makes it evident how hollow I am without it inside. I can't believe I'm going to do this.

I lift my ass up and tremble up on my knees on his thighs, keeping my mouth interlocked with his, and then I get my hand between us. I moan into his mouth as I circle my fingers around his width. I rise up more and press him against my opening, filling myself again with his cock.

Harwal grunts and his grip on my waist tightens as I begin to lower myself down his length. It isn't as bad as the first time, but it does stretch me yet again. I pull off our kiss to take a deep breath, which turns into a low moan. I share intense eye contact with him as I keep sinking, but he breaks it first by kissing me again.

I ride his cock and try to keep up with his mouth, which feels impossible. I wrap my hands around his thick neck and revel in this weird feeling that keeps building inside me. I'm not sure if it's an orgasm or something else, but it is filling me up.

His teeth nick my lip and again, and then he licks it. I'm sure I'd be terrified normally, but I'm feeling too good to pay heed to it. I saw the canines, they're sharp, it happens.

Harwal pulls away to stare at me again and I lick my lips lazily. Yep. Blood…mixed with mango. "Are you marking me?" I whisper and lift my hips up.

His gaze moves to my lips and his mouth thins into a line. I thrust down and his eyes close.

"Did you?" I whisper again and press my lips on his thin line. I teeth his lower lip and lick them to share the irony taste.

"Be careful," he whispers and grips my ass tightly. "It will be bad if you continue."

I chuckle and pull back. "Bad?" I lick the leftover blood off my lips and smack them. "You're gonna bite my neck like a vampire?"

"I don't know what a vampire is," he mumbles and tilts his head, looking at my neck. His gesture makes me arch it and I feel a shiver of excitement at the intense stare he gives it.

I think I've lost my senses. I don't even know what marking means, other than a couple months of smell, and here I am, taunting the guy to do it.

"You want to do it?" I ask, despite my sane side telling me I shouldn't. I arch my neck more and smirk at him. He narrows his eyes and pushes me down on his cock, making me yelp.

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