Chapter 31

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"Dante," I say, trying to get his attention. "What…no, why did you ask Harwal that?" What an idiotic question, but I can't form any sensible sentences.

Dante pouts and crosses his arms. "I should know what his intentions are. I see how he touches and looks at you."

I choke on my breath. It's true that Harwal has become touchy, but I didn't think Dante would notice it. Before I say anything, I make sure the door is closed. "What do you mean 'his intentions'?" I whisper. "I thought you like him."

Dante frowns. "I do, but that doesn't mean I like him being willy-nilly with you, mom."

"Wi…willy-nilly?" I repeat like a parrot. Where the hell did he get—Marco, of course. "How much do you…what do you—ugh, God." I palm my face. How the hell do I talk about this?

"Do you like him?" Dante asks, and I drag my hand over my face.

"I…uh." I take a moment to gather myself, straightening myself and taking a deep breath. This is a conversation that has to happen. "I do. Does it…bother you?"

Dante's expression falters, and then he whispers, "Is that why you asked if I want to move? Are you leaving me and grandma behind if I say no?"

I drop the groceries and palm his cheeks. "Of course not!" I scowl and rub soot off his cheek. "I would never leave you. If you don't want to leave, we never will."

He takes my hands, squeezing a bit too hard. "Then why did you ask that? What happened yesterday?" His tone grows more urgent. "You came back all beaten up, and you have even been strangled."

I suck in a breath. He's way too observant for his own good.

"Don't lie to me," he mumbles. "I know it wasn't Harwal, so what happened?"

I shake my head furiously. "You don't need to—"

"I'm not a child anymore!" Dante snaps, raising his voice momentarily. "I know how things work. What happened? Are we in danger? Who are those two Atorus? Why did they need the device we built? What's going to happen?" His expression is serious as he speaks, making him look beyond his years. "I'm not an idiot or a child. You went to rescue your friend from the lab auction. What happened?"

"Of course you're not." I swallow hard and close my eyes. I'm a fool for trying to keep him in the dark. "Let's sit down. I'll…try to explain everything."

I lead him to the round table and sit him down, but I remain standing. I pace a bit and then grab the groceries to have something to do.

"Just talk to me, mom," he says as I start unpacking the bag.

I flinch and let the groceries be. "We came to Joddel to investigate something, but Greece was taken." I start with my eyes closed. "She was taken by…that man. He was after me."

"My father?"

I clench my jaw and turn to him. "You need to stop calling him that—but yes, it was Kor."

Dante jerks a nod and gestures for me to continue.

I don't want him to know anything, but I know he deserves to. I remember how it felt being out of the loop when I was younger. I sigh and start a long-winded explanation about the Atorus and the laboratory, leaving out all the horrible things he doesn't need to know.

"You're leaving out the important part," Dante says with a frown. He crosses his arms and jerks his chin up at me. "Where was your friend? How did you get hurt?"

I pause, taking the groceries out of the bag and sighing. I hoped that he wouldn't ask, but I guess that's just wishful thinking. "I found Greece running around the facility." I glance at Dante. His expression is sour. "Do you really need to know?"

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