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     THE FLOOR WAS COLD BENEATH HER FEET as she walked inside her apartment. The chilled, wooden floors pricked up against the skin underneath her feet that she had run on her tip-toes to reach her indoor slippers.

A small sigh escaped her lips as she felt the soft and warm softness of her indoor slippers against her feet. She sighed and fished the pocket of her black coat for a cigar stick. She felt her finger brushed against the said cigar stick, pulling it out right after.

She placed the nicotine stick between her lips and stuck her hand inside her pockets again, looking for a lighter or anything to light up her de-stressing object.

She groaned, flopping her hands to her side when she couldn't find the lighter. She hesitantly sat up, almost looking like an inflating human balloon, popping her body as soon as she fully stood up. She walked towards her kitchen, dragging her feet against the wooden floors.

She slammed her hand on the counter as she bent down, pulling a drawer out. She rummaged through it, hoping to find that familiar silver colored object. She pushes it back when all she could find were used plastics and paper bags that she kept for future purposes.

She moves her hand down to the other drawer and pulled it open. A huge white cover with golden letterings saying 'Good Food for a Better Mood' greeted her. She bought this cook book because she got tired of ordering food, eating ramen and burning her meals every time she got home. She wanted to eat something decent enough to not cause LBM.

She pushed it closed and opened the last drawer on the bottom. She moved her hand around, her brows knitting together as she rummaged through it. Her finger brushed against the metal lighter and a small "Aha!" escaped her lips as she pulled it out.

A click was heard as she placed the small fire beneath the tip of her cigar. She placed her hand behind the lighter, careful to not burn herself and to not blow the fire out.

The tip glowed an orange-reddish color as she settled the lighter down on the counter.

She placed held the cigar between two fingers as she breathed out, her breath coming out as a puff of grey smoke. She closed her eyes and leaned against the counter.

This was a good way of de-stressing after a tiresome night.

All in one night, she had to meet her family, save a man from drowning, and deal with a mission that had something to do with two most wanted gang leaders.

She pushed herself off her counter, only to stumble back when a pang of pain hits her chest. Her lungs felt like it was getting twisted, causing her to drop her cigar and clutch on the cloth over her chest, her other hand gripping on the edge of the counter.

She huddled over, feeling more pain on her chest. Needles started pricking up her skin, causing goosebumps to run all over her body.

Her lips fell agape, small breaths exiting her mouth as she tried to catch her breath through the throbbing pain of her chest.

"I told you once already, (Y/N)," a voice inside her head said. "I will not be kept inside for long." the voice let's out a sinister laugh, getting louder and louder, making her ears ring.

She gritted her teeth as she covered her ears with her hands, pushing it harder towards her head, like she was trying to squish her skull.

"Shut the fuck up, Keogari." (Y/N) hissed.

The invisible demon snickers. "What are you going to do about it?" He questions. (Y/N) could already see his smirk.

She stood up straight and went over to the knife holder, gritting her teeth as pain struck her body every time she took a step.


She held out her left hand and took out a knife from its holder with her right hand.

"Hey, hey, wait!"

(Y/N) ignored the demon and slid the blade of the knife against her palm, creating a cut that stretched through her palm. Blood oozed out between her sliced skin, some droplets reaching the floor beneath her.

The pain in her chest disappeared, causing a relieved sigh to escape (Y/N)'s lips. 

"That hurt! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" the demon shouted.

Though it wasn't his body, he still resides inside (Y/N)'s physical form; so any physical pain that (Y/N) will feel, he feel will it, too.

(Y/N) dropped the knife on the sink, causing a deep clutter sound. She turned on the faucet and placed her palm under the running water.

"I told you to shut up," (Y/N) said. She watched the water turn red beneath her hand as she continued to rinse off the wound. "But you were too stupid to understand that."

She heard Keogari sigh sharply.

"But seriously? You couldn't think of anything else than cut your palm?" the demon said. The girl could already imagine him raising a brow at her and looking at her as if she was stupid... or crazy.

"Don't make me do something you'll regret. Remember, Keogari, you're trapped inside my body. If I die, I'm bringing you with me," (Y/N) said.

She turned off the faucet and reached up to open a cabinet with her right hand. She pulled out a clean cloth and closed the cabinet. She pushed the clean cloth against her hand, applying pressure to stop the bleeding. She hissed a little at the pain. The wound was deeper than she planned.

"You know—"

"—I don't."

"Shut up and let me speak!"

(Y/N) lets out a small snicker as she walks out of the kitchen, stopping for a bit when she sees the cigar on the floor. What a waste, she thought.

She continued her walk out of the kitchen.

"As I was saying," Keogari sighed. "You need to find the temple soon. It's almost time."

"How much time do I have?" (Y/N) asked as she walked across her living room, to the small hallway that was framed with art pieces on both sides. She keeps her eyes on the door at the end of the small hallway.

"A couple of months—three, to be exact." Keogari answered.

A sigh escaped her lips as she opened the door with her right hand. She stepped inside her room and headed inside her bathroom to get the first-aid kit.

"I still don't know where it is," she said, opening the cabinet beneath her sink. She took out the transparent box with the red cross sticker on it.

"Well, you have to hurry," Keogari sighed. "We both know what will happen to your body if we don't condition it before the next red moon."

(Y/N) sat on her bed, placing the first aid kit in front of her. "Can't we just use the temple at Kyoto?"

"No. We can't. You can only use a temple once. We've went through four already, so this one is the last before I actually get my body back."

A sigh escaped her lips. She opens the first aid kit and started cleaning off her wound. She hissed at the pain, scrunching her nose. White bubbles started foaming around her cut, a sign that it's starting to disinfect.

"Why do you even need five temples to get your body back?" (Y/n) asked as she stares at the bubbles around her wound.

"I'm not even sure," the demon sighed. "It's just something installed in our mind, I guess."

"As if you'd have one," she hummed.

"Hey, that's not very nice, you psycho!"

"I never said I would be nice in the first place, body-less demon."

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