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(Y/N) groaned as she turned her back on her phone, using her pillow to block out the buzzing as she pushed it against her ear.

The hot, not-so-early sunlight peeked between her curtains, creating a line of light inside her dim room. From outside her window, she could hear the loud streets, and the roaring of the construction equipment nearby.

Her eyebrows knitted together as she kept her eyes closed. It was a loud morning for her - she's used to it, though.

The buzzing stopped for a while, to which she was thankful for. She sighed a little and pulled her blanket further up her body, now covering her shoulders.

She slowly drifted back to sleep, only for it to be disturbed by her phone buzzing again. Her eyes shot open and she jolted up from her bed, the mattress bounced a little at the sudden action.

She glared at her phone, as if telepathically telling it to stop. It didn't, of course. She reached out her left, bandaged hand and grabbed her phone. Her eyes squinted at the screen, struggling to adjust at the brightness that was being illuminated from her phone.

Her fingers managed to press the answer button and she places the device right by her ear.

"What?" she asked in an agitated tone.

"Sorry to wake you up, (Y/N)-san," Tsui's soft voice answered from the other side of the phone.

(Y/N) sighed, forcing herself to calm down. She could not find it in herself to get angry at the teen. She simply was too cute.

"It's fine," she said. "Why'd you call?"

"A man here is asking for you. We've told him to come back later, but he wouldn't listen. He says it's urgent," Tsui replied.

(Y/N) moved and sat on the edge of her bed. "What's his name?" she asked as she slid her feet into her slippers.

"Dazai. Osamu Dazai," Tsui said.

(Y/N) froze. Her brows knitted together.

Seriously? she thought. Silence hovers over them as Tsui waits for (Y/N) to reply.

"Tell him to wait inside my office. I'll be there in a bit."

(Y/N) pushed herself up her bed. She said goodbye to Tsui through the phone before she dropped it on the bed, letting it bounce a bit. She grabbed her towel and headed inside her bathroom.

- •••• -

(Y/N) twisted her key, turning off the engine of her car. She parked her car on the parking lot outside the Kurowashi base.

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