Chapter 4: Teaching the Kids

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Medic: Alvight zhen little kinders! Today ve vill be studying ze human and Faunus body!

Medic was now in class teaching a sort of Medical Science among the bunch of students as he was given his own room.

In the back of the classroom sat Team RWBY.

Ruby: Why are we learning about this...?

Weiss: Well, I believe this is a good idea, if any of us are injured without Aura, we know what's wrong.

Yang: Ice Queen's got a point.

As the three conversed, Blake in the meanwhile was in a thought.

Blake: 'What does he think of Faunus?'

Medic: Now zhen! First up are ze Faunus!

Soon everyone focused on the board which showed a drawing on the insides of various Faunus ranging from dog, bunny, spiders and more.

Medic: Ze dog Faunus, from what I have seen and studied have two traits indicating so, a tail or ears!

Soon Medic wrote some things down focusing on the tail first as the students looked at the drawing.

Medic: Ze dog tail has ze caudal vertebrae vhich is essentially a long bone.

The Medic focused on the ears.

Medic: Ze ears don't have bones as they work off of muscles which could be bad if ze are injured for obvious reasons.

Medic then walked over to another part of the board showing the benefits of certain Faunus parts.

Medic: Ze extra abilities given to Faunus varies depending on zheir traits.

Medic then gestured to a drawing of a spider Faunus and cat Faunus.

Medic: Spider Faunus's have two different, but useful abilities!

Then once again Medic drew two different sketches of the abilities.

Medic: Eins are inside ze hands, the first ability allows ze spider Faunus to shoot webs out of zheir hands which in turn can be used for various purposes such as capturing an opponent and such! And remember to take notes as I vill be doing a test in two weeks. 

Medic then watched as the students took notes as he grinned. After a few minutes Medic resumed.

Medic: Ze seconded ability ze Faunus has to the ability to climb walls! Ze Faunus can produce tiny, hair-like structures called setae on their feet. Zhese setae have even tinier structures at zheir tips known as spatulae. When zhey walk on a surface, ze spatulae create molecular attractions also known as ze Van der Waals forces, between zhem and ze surface. Zhis enables ze Faunus to stick to ze surface, even on vertical walls or ceilings.

Medic then stopped as he allowed to students to take more notes before moving towards the previous drawing erasing it. After a few minutes the students looked to Medic as then explained the cat Faunus benefits.

Medic: Now onto cat Faunus's. Ze cat Faunus's could have tails, zhese tails can be used for various purposes. Such as being able to direct balance and more agility, especially if zhey have a long or prehensile tail. Another could be using zheir tails as part of zheir combat abilities. Tails can be weaponized for striking or grappling opponents. But zat is if ze person isn't... how to say... sensitive to the touch.

Everyone in the class started to write down notes as Medic noticed out of the corner of his eye his class 'assistant' Scout sleeping in a chair.

Medic then remembered Soldier gave Medic an extra Disciplinary Action for in his words 'To send these brats straight back into line if they disobey commands'. Medic grabbed the Disciplinary Action before walking over to Scout and smacking him with it.

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