Chapter 5: Time For a Defense (Revised)

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It has been a few months since the RED Team had arrived in Remnant.

The Mercs were now inside their dorms relaxing as the kids were all out doing their first missions or didn't have their class.

Scout who was laid back on a couch was throwing a baseball in the air repeatedly.

Scout: Ugh... this sucks on ice! What are we even supposed to do!?

Soldier: I say we go and fight more of those Grimm babies! I feel weaker standing here by the minute...! No! By the second!

Engie gave a slight laugh.

Engie: Now fella's, how about we go see if we explore the city a bit, yeah?

Demo: Aye, I can agree with that, nothing will beat my scrumpy, but I'd like to see 'em try!

Engie looked around.

Engie: What 'bout the rest of ya?

Heavy rubbed his chin a bit.

Heavy: Hm... I guess Heavy can accept. What about doctor?

Medic: Ja, I vill accept I guess, I have been running out of some supplies recently, and I can find more studies in ze city!

Spy: I could find more suits or get more tailored suits, so I guess I will come Engineer.

Soldier: And I can keep you all in check! Because somebody needs to make sure you all follow orders!

Sniper: Well, what the bloody hell could I do? Me, Scout, and Pyro got nothing!

Engie: You and Scout can either stay here with Pyro or come with us and watch him in public riskin' your bacon less.

Sniper looked to Scout who nodded rapidly.

Sniper grumbled giving an ok as Pyro jumped up and down laughing, clapping his hands.


 The Mercs had all split up from each other searching for what they wanted or needed.

Sniper and Scout were in the middle of Vale watching Pyro skip around playing with his unicorn balloon once more.

Scout: So, we've been screwed yeah?

Sniper: Shut your lips you fuckin' mongrel.

Scout: Yeah, yeah.

As the trio passed a library, Medic and Heavy were seen through the window reading specific books. Heavy was reading books on Grimm types and machine/gun parts, while Medic was surrounded by books of Faunus and Grimm biology with a notepad next to him too.

Medic: Fascinating...

Medic then grabbed his pen writing something down.

Medic: Ze Grimm types can vary in locations...

Heavy in the meanwhile was noting something down.

Heavy: Hm... mecha-shift...

In a small mechanical shop across the street, Engie was inside grabbing more parts for the gateway home.

Shopkeep: Finding everything you need sir?

Engie: Yes, and no. Do you have any of these?

Engie showed the blueprint to the shopkeep.

Shopkeep: A holo rotator... old but I think I have some in the back.

Engie: Thanks mister.

Shopkeeper: No problem, just doin' my job.

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