Chapter 9: Prepare For Robots! (Revised)

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The professors and Engie arrived back at the Mercs dorm to see the mercenaries moving the Upgrade Station as Scout, Soldier, and Pyro set down sandbags.

Soldiers: Let's get this done maggots! Those rust buckets are coming!

Ozpin then popped a question.

Ozpin: You said upgrade station, why aren't you upgrading your weapons Mr. Conagher?

Engie: Well, we need money to upgrade our weapons.

Glynda: Mr. Conagher please explain this more, like who upgrades them and such.

Engie: Of course, so-


Around the gateway was a 10-foot trench surrounding it.

Scout: I wonder how the giants are going to get through?

Medic: If Merasmus vas able to get here and grow in strength, he must've learned to expand ze portal to an extent.

Scout: Ah crap...

Meanwhile Ozpin and the other professors watched Ironwood contacting some people.

Glynda: Do the mercenaries know how many are coming through?

Ozpin: No, but from what they've said, this Gray Mann has at the minimum of 500,000.

Glynda: Yes... the fight will be hard.

Ann: Which is why the General is calling most of his soldiers to be on standby or here.

Soon yelling was heard as everyone turned around to see the Mercs trying to stop an angered Soldier.

Engie: Soldier calm down!

Soldier: No! I am going through that portal to kick some ass!

Medic: Ze gateway isn't finished yet Soldier! You could-

Soldier: I do not have permission to die! Which means this portal won't kill me!

Scout was pushing Soldier back with all his strength as he started to slip.

Scout: C'mon Soldier! They're coming to us! You don't-

Soldier then picked up Scout throwing him to the professors.

Soldier: Out of the way funny man!

Scout: AH! Incoming!

Glynda quickly used her Semblance to catch Scout before setting him down.

Scout: Thanks beautiful!

Scout then rushed back to stop Soldier who in a fit of sheer anger against the robots and wanted to fight them, then pulled out his Market Gardener smacking everyone but Heavy away who stood in front of him.

Soldier: Outta the way sputnik!

Heavy: No. Soldier must calm down before Heavy moves.

Soldier then tried to rocket jump by switching to his rocket launcher.

Soldier: Then catch me if you can commie!

Soldier then rocket jumped only for Heavy to grab his leg midair and slam him into the ground causing a small imprint of Soldiers body in the ground.

Heavy: Heavy says calm down!

Soldier let out a groan as Heavy picked him up.

Heavy: Will Soldier calm down?

Soldier: Fine... ugh... my back...

Heavy then dropped Soldier.

Peach: U-uh.... is he going to be ok, Heavy?

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