Chapter 12: Students Meet BLU

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As the Saxton Hale-Robot War raged on the other side of the gateway, the 18 Mercs and Remnantians conversed.

Glynda: I just don't get how there is two of the same person!?

Suddenly Engie through his hands in the air, yelling.

Engie: I just wanted to keep it a secret!

Before anybody could ask Engie what he meant, Dane answered.

Dane: There are multiple theories on why, but one is mostly accepted.

Ironwood: And that is? Also, what do you mean?

Engie: They're all clones...

The non-Mercs then shouted out in shock and surprise.

Remnantians: Clones!?

But somebody noticed what Engie said.

Ann: Wait... they?

The Remnantians then looked to the Original Mercs or RED.

Medic: Ve are more or less considered ze originals out of all of the thousands of RED's and BLU's.

Clover: THOUSANDS!?!?!?

Scout: Yup! We may be the practical originals, but there are way stronger Mercs.

Elm: But.... how....?

Soldier: We are standing in a front a team who are sadly better than me maggot!

The Non-Mercs then turned to BLU as Harriet stepped up to Bryce, the BLU Scout of few words.

Harriet: So, you're better than Mr. Red over there? Prove it.

Right as Harriet blinked, Bryce wasn't there but she felt something on her shoulder.

Harriet: Wha- where-

Bryce: Right here.

Harriet then jumped away and towards the Ace-Ops once more.

Elm: What was that speed!?

Bryce said nothing.

Harriet: Answer!

Before anyone said anything, Medic answered.

Medic: Mr. Bryce is under no obligation to answer ze question, nor does he talk at all. And if anything, zhey should be asking us questions.

Marrow: But why!?

Spy: Simple, they just saved us.

Fedora: And if you can't beat the originals, then you have no shot at beating us.

Clover: That can't be true.

Muse: Oi, I would listen to him if I were you.

Soldier: Shut your mouth BLU!

Muse: C'mon Soldier! Calm it down!

Soldier: I will beat your BLU ass one day! I guarantee it!

Muse: You're welcome to try mate.

Soldier was about to leap at Muse only to be stopped by Heavy who shook his head.

Winter: But why are they so... different from the rest of you?

Demo: Aye, truth is, is that the clones can sometimes have a failure in the cloning process causing them to act differently.

Ann: But I thought you said they grew up somewhere else...?

Engie: That was a lie Ms. Greene.

Ann: Oh...

Glynda however had a different question.

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