Chapter 1: Something Better Than This

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Present Day. 12 years later. 2042. Three weeks after the battle with the Raiders and the breach.

In an abandoned home, on patrol, James is sitting across from Kyle, cleaning his goggles as Shawn leans against the wall.

James: Do you guys ever think about how life could've been different for us? If we had made better choices for ourselves? For the people we care about? I do....all the time....I think about the dead all the time. Their faces...every single one of them. All the people who never got to make it to where we are.

Flashbacks of deceased main allies; Dante, Colin, Ashley, Nora, Walter, Billy, Daniel, Alexandria, Blake, Maya, Beth, Catherine, Marcus, Mitchell, Joseph, Jake, Andrew, Bowers, Woody, Abigail, Alicia, Moses and Laura.

James: But I also think about the people the wasteland created monsters out of....the ones lost in darkness.

Flashbacks of deceased antagonists, Nathan, Jack and Rick Barnes, Harry, Kane, Ryder, Scorcher, Mina, Colm, Lynn, Magna, Starr, Gilbert, Sawyer, Quinton, Wes, Melanie and Tobin.

James: We've had to kill all this time in the discarded's so easy;'s all we ever know how to do....but then I think to myself, what if we don't have to? What if we never have to kill? Every war; we've been in...we've always had to take a life...and we never think about the consequences of our actions. We've done a lot of bad shit.....we slaughtered people while on their knees.


Nathan, Walter and Killen force the surrendering Butchers including the Cook on their knees.

Nathan: On your knees! On your knees! Now!

The surrendering butchers and the cook begin to beg for mercy.

Butcher Cook: mercy.

Appalled and disgusted, Nathan, Killen and Walter execute the surrendering Butchers and the cook.

Kyle pulls out his Zeus Corps machete.

Quinton: NO!

Kyle hacks into Quinton, splattering blood all over him. James watches in horror.


James: We've killed people in the most brutal ways.


Nathan is suddenly impaled through the chest with the machete held by Kyle. Sarah then stabs Tobin in the mouth, causing him to spit up blood. Walter proceeds to beating Kane's face-in with the crowbar. Kyle then executes Wes by shooting him in the head. Cassandra then slices and stabs Lynn, repeatedly in anger, splashing blood everywhere.


James: We....we almost killed a kid.


Hunter: (muffled) Please! Please! Don't shoot me! Please! I wanna live!

James rushes up to Shawn.

James: Shawn, you listen to me! Kyle is wrong on this, do you understand?! Make up your mind! If you do this, you will be able to fucking live with yourself!

Rachel: Please, Shawn....

James: We are fucking better than this, Shawn!

Rachel: I don't want to shoot you!

Shawn looks down at Hunter, looking him in the eyes, before he gives a frustrated yell, then shoots.


Kyle sighs.

Kyle: This world isn't easy to live in, James. You of all people know that.

James looks up at Kyle.

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