Chapter 16: Unusual Alliances

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At the Olympian Home Base, Rory sits in the office in front of Stephan.

Stephan: You've got a lot of nerve....showing your face...after the shit you've pulled in the last three days....first; David kills Brandon and goes A.W.O.L...then you sneak out from Home Base to try and find him...then you steal medicine from the hospital yesterday...and now Alfred is dead. You and him were supposed to lead the assault tomorrow on the two were my best...and now, I'm down to one Lieutenant. You've really screwed the pooch on this one.

Rory sucks her lips.

Stephan: Do you have anything you want to say?

Rory sighs.

Rory: I understand you're're upset....and Alfred....he was my friend....I didn't mean for him to die....I know I have a lot to make up for....but right now, I need some surgical supplies.

Stephan scoffs.

Stephan: First, you pull some bullshit and now, you have the audacity to ask me for some fucking medical supplies. Why?

Rory looks down.

Rory: I found David. He's alive....but he's been...he's been bitten on the arm by an infected....happened yesterday....the medical equipment I took has no surgical equipment....that's what I need...Just...just punish me and just me...Brandon's death was accident and I can vouch for him.

Stephan: You can vouch for David and yet, you weren't there when Brandon was killed....

Rory: Stephan....please...I will face any consequences of them, just....please....give David a chance...Kia, too....she had no hand in the hospital yesterday...that was me alone...

Stephan sighs, before standing up and approaching the window.

Stephan: Luckily, I don't have to worry about Kia....not anymore.

Rory: What are you talking about?

Stephan turns to Rory.

Stephan: Well, I guess I should tell you; Kia's dead....Her and Trudy.

Rory gives a shocked expression.

Rory: Wha-I-I just saw her yesterday...

Stephan: After you escaped the hospital, the men stationed there searched for you and Kia, but they found her in a medical room...tied to a chair...beaten....and stabbed to death with a pair of cutting scissors. Her left fingers severed...Trudy was stabbed in the neck....Some of the Olympians thought it was you, but I needed to hear the shock in your voice to confirm they're wrong.

Rory shakes her head, unable to take in the news. Rory looks at Stephan.

Rory: Was it Prophets?

Stephan: No....trespassers....

Rory: My god....who are these fucking trespassers all of a sudden?

Stephan: I don't know....but it's no coincidence....I think these trespassers are linked to the same people that killed Alfred.

Rory sits back in the chair.

Rory: I'm really hoping we catch one of these trespassers so we can ask them what the fuck they're doing here.

Stephan smirks.

Stephan: Well, you're in luck. The squad stationed in outpost 17 in the North end district caught a trespasser. A woman. She was helping a companion steal one of our boats.

Rory looks up to Stephan, who puts his hand on her shoulder.

Stephan: You want a chance to talk to a trespasser? This is your chance.

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