Chapter 13: The Olympian Hospital

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In another part of the San Francisco, Rory continues traveling through the woods on her way to the hospital. Meanwhile, Sarah arrives in Bellbird with the map in her hand.

Sarah: Okay, Bellbird.

Sarah looks at the map the around the area.

Sarah: Is this the right place?

As if answering her question, Sarah hears gunshots in the distance.

Sarah: Definitely the right place.

Sarah puts the map away and begins to run, while the gunshots become more frequent.

Sarah: Gotta be Shawn and Margaret, but who's the other guy?

Sarah runs up to the truck and gets on top of it to see some buildings up ahead. At that moment, a sound of a truck revs on by and Sarah jumps at this then ducks down. The truck, luckily, drives on by.

Sarah: Too many of these assholes around. Hold on, Shawn.

Sarah makes her way through the area. Eventually, she jumps down inside this old building when she hears a guy and a woman talking. Sarah goes over to the window, only to see two Olympian Soldiers walking pass by with a dog on a leash. The moment she looks through the boarded-up window, the dog turns to Sarah and begins to bark, aggressively, at her.

Sarah: Fuck.

Sarah runs towards the back area of the building and she makes her way around the room, just as the dog comes in.

Olympian Soldier: You think these three are connect with that scared asshole and those two women from the school?

Sarah walks around and the dog goes to the door she just went through.

Olympian Soldier: It'd be a helluva coincidence if it was.

Sarah grabs a bottle then throws it across the room, throwing off her scent. The dog begins to lead its owners a different way while she makes her way out, but it seems that more Olympian soldiers were everywhere at every turn she made, there was a soldier near her. Luckily, Sarah pulls out her knife and quietly takes out some Olympian Soldiers as she makes her way through the suburbs. Sarah makes her way up to some stairs that lead to a different part of the neighborhood, when she hears loud explosion.

Sarah: The hell?

Sarah makes it to the top and sees black smoke, billowing in the sky not far from her.

Sarah: Shit. Shawn. Margaret. Hope that was one of you.

Sarah makes her way into the neighborhood, which proves to be tough as patrols of the Olympians were all around and not to mention, a few Skinners and infected around whenever Sarah makes her way through old abandoned houses.

Olympian Soldier: Hey! Dogs picked up something down by the hill. Think they're down there.

Olympian Soldier: No, they're here. They just blew up one of our fucking trucks.

Sarah sneaks around them.

Olympian Soldier: You sure?

Olympian Soldier: Yes, I'm fucking sure!

Olympian Soldier: Did you get a look at the woman? She's wearing like a skull helmet or something?

Sarah quietly asks herself.

Sarah: "Skeleton helmet"? What the hell?

The man turns to his crew.

Olympian Soldier: Spread out! We're looking for four!

Sarah: Fuck. Maybe I should've brought someone with me.

Sarah continues to sneak around, but at one point, passing a fence, a dog jumps up, barking and growling. Sarah runs into a hole that leads her to a basement of a building, which lead the Olympian Soldiers to chase after her and throws smoke bombs in there.

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