Chapter 14: What's Happening To Us?

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At the Aquarium, Rory has returned and is sitting in the waiting room of the front lobby when David walks up and sits with her.

David: You okay?

Rory: Yeah...just thinking what my Dad would think if she ever saw me like this.

David sighs.

Rory: Wonder if he would approve of what I've done.....

David: You're saying you regret killing Kyle Desipich and James Burton?

Rory: No...maybe....I just thought that killing them would give me closure, but instead....I feel....unsatisfied....

Rory looks down as David nods in understanding.

David: Taking a life is never easy...I'm starting to learn that all these years in this apocalypse. Men like Ryder made it seem like taking life was easy.

Rory looks down, thinking of the decisions she's made in the past, before standing up.

Rory: I'm gonna go get some sleep...

Rory walks into another section of the aquarium, before David leans his head back against the wall, and clutches onto his shoulder, briefly groaning. Later, at the theater, Kyle, Rachel, Hunter and Jacqui make it back. Kyle knocks on the door when he notices Rachel shaking, slightly.

Kyle: Hey, you okay?

Rachel nods, slightly, before Sarah opens the door to see everyone.

Sarah: Thank God!

Sarah hugs Kyle, then Rachel and Hunter, before Jacqui bursts into the room, walking up to Kayla.

Sarah: You guys okay?

Kyle, Hunter, Rachel and Jacqui walk in, before Samantha puts a chair in between the doors.

Jacqui: Kayla! Nick?

Kayla: He's still alive. Please, tell me you have those medical supplies.

Jacqui: Yes!

Rachel walks up to Kayla and opens her backpack, before handing Kayla the surgical supplies. Peter looks at Kyle, shocked.

Peter: Jesus...your hands, man? You okay?

Kyle avoids the question, before turning to Sarah.

Kyle: You get Shawn and Margaret?

Sarah: No, it wasn't them....

Cassandra: But...uh...

Cassandra points to Caleb, John and Elizabeth as Kyle's eyes widen. Kyle then smiles, before walking up to Caleb and hugging him.

Caleb: Good to see you alive, bro.

Kyle breaks the hug, placing his hand on Caleb's shoulder, before hugging John. Rachel smiles at seeing John and hugs him after Kyle breaks the hug.

John: Hey, kid.

Kyle turns to Elizabeth and respectively nods.

Kyle: Queen Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: Kyle Desipich. It is good to see you alive again. I'm sorry about your losses.

Kyle: Thank you.

Chris: You find that Kia girl? She tell you where Rory is?

Kyle pulls out the map and everyone gathers around him.

Kyle: Rory's at this aquarium.

Kyle points at the aquarium icon on the map.

Kyle: I think that's where David is, too...

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