Chapter 2: New Berrington

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2046. Four Years Later.

In a night spring festival in Berrington, at the late Sylvester's saloon, Sarah bobs her head to the music as she leans against the wall at the bar while Kyle stands next to her.

Shawn: Here you go.

Shawn hands them their drinks.

Kyle: Thanks, Shawn.

James and Cassandra approach the two.

Cassandra: So, how's D.J?

Sarah: He's doing good. Being awnry as ever.

Shawn: Wonder where he got that from?

James laughs and glances over at Kyle.

Kyle: Hey!

Sarah: I don't know, it's a total mystery.

Shawn, James and Cassandra laugh as Kyle shakes his head.

Kyle: Oh, wow. I see how it is.

Sarah: You know I love you.

Sarah leans up and kisses his cheek.

Kyle: Mmhmm.

Sarah wraps her around Kyle's arm.

James: Anyway, I think maybe in a couple of days we should have a family get-together. Maybe like a movie night something.

Kyle and Sarah smile.

Sarah: That sounds nice. D.J would love to see you guys again.

Kyle nods in agreement. Caleb walks into the bar, freshly clean and shaven before approaching John, Chris and Rocky's table.

Caleb: Hey, guys!

Rocky: Whoo! Look at you all fresh and clean!

Caleb: Hey! It's been four years and after this party tonight, I'll be visiting my woman, Elizabeth. I still owe her a promise.

Rocky: You goin by herself?

John: No, I'll be going with him. Give him some protection. Plus, since I've heard of the Outlands, I've been wanting to see it.

Chris: Shit, Caleb talks about Elizabeth more than the Outlands. You should've seen him. This boy's in love.

Caleb laughs.

John: You know, not to put your dreams down, but what if Elizabeth moved or....

Caleb: No, dude. She's pretty smart and knows how to survive.

Rocky: If she's smart, then what the hell's she doing with your ass?

Caleb: You know, Rocky, I sometimes have to ask you the same thing about Margaret.

Hunter stands by the bar, taking a few sips from his bourbon every now and then, as he watches the people dance. He looks around the place and hoped that Rachel would be there. Rocky was dancing around with Margaret as well as an eleven year old Savannah dancing with her girlfriend, a young African-American teen named, Candace. Hunter couldn't help but chuckle at this. Hunter bobs his head to the music when he hears approaching footsteps as he looks over to see Peter coming up next to him and stands next to him.

Peter: I always hated parties. Not my gig.

Peter sips his drink as Hunter shrugs.

Hunter: They're not too bad.

Hunter watches the crowd.

Hunter: Anna couldn't make it?

Peter: Nah....she's here.

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