Chapter 4: What to do next?

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In Berrington, hours later, Kyle awakens in his house, clutching onto his chest as he climbs out of bed. Sarah, who has been sitting in the chair, beside him the whole time, turns to him as Kyle stands up.

Sarah: (tearful) Oh, thank god!

Sarah hugs her husband, before she breaks away, still in his arms.

Sarah: When I saw you like that....I...I thought that you were....Oh, Kyle....

Kyle looks down, before turning his head around and looking at Sarah with guilt.

Kyle: Rocky.....James, is there any chance he....?

Sarah tearfully shakes her head no, confirming James is dead.

Kyle: Goddammit....Cassandra, is she...

Sarah: She's in her house right now....she hasn't come out since everyone got back.

Kyle: Fuck....

Kyle walks over to the window.

Kyle: Where's D.J?

Sarah: He's in his room.....I didn't want him to see you like this....I haven't told him about James and Rocky yet.

Kyle continues staring out the window, a stern look on his face.

Sarah: Kyle?

Kyle: Keep D.J in his room. Call everyone who was that run to a meeting....especially Hunter.

Sarah nods. Later on, nightfall, the moon is out and dimming the streets of Berrington while in the Desipich house, Kyle and Sarah make their way downstairs and go to the living room where Shawn, whose eyes were red and puffy as well as Margaret's, Kayla, Chris, Peter, Rachel and Hunter, who felt nervous and scared, especially with the angered look Kyle gave him, were. Sarah sits down in a chair as Kyle stands up, Shawn and Kayla stand behind the couch. Rachel and Hunter sit on another couch while Chris and Samantha sit down on another couch with Margaret sitting on the arm of that couch. Peter leans against the doorframe, his arms folded across his chest. Kyle sighs.

Kyle: Hunter.....stand up.

Hunter looks at Kyle with a concerned look, before looking at Rachel.

Kyle: Get. Up.

Hunter stands up, nervous.

Kyle: Come here.

Hunter walks up to Kyle.

Hunter: Kyle....please know that....that I'm really sorry.

Kyle scoffs.

Kyle: You're sorry?

Kyle turns to everyone else in the room.

Kyle: You hear that, everyone? He's sorry. Well....that makes it better, doesn't it?

Suddenly, Kyle punches Hunter in the face, knocking him down.

Sarah: KYLE!

Chris: Shit!

Samantha: Jesus Christ!

Kyle attempts to attack Hunter, but is restrained by Chris and Peter.

Kyle: You little motherfucker! I outta fucking kill you, you hear me?!

Peter: Dude, stop! Chill out!

Rachel: Kyle, please! Just stop! Kyle!

Sarah: Kyle!

Peter: Come on, dude. This isn't his fault!

Kyle: This isn't his fault?! You weren't there! You didn't see what he did! He approached those people like a fucking idiot!

Chronicles of the Apocalypse: Last Armageddon (2028)Where stories live. Discover now