Chapter 3: Injustice

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Meanwhile, in a cabin outside of Berrington, a group of people were all asleep in their sleeping bags, including Rory, who's bear claw marks on her face have healed in the past seventeen years. Rory wakes up with a gasp then sits up and catches her breath. She pulls up her knees and places her arms on her knees then runs her hands over her face. Rory sighed as she ran her hands over her eyes then stands up. She looks over to see David, who's facial hair has grown, standing by the window and she walks over to him.

Rory: Hey.

David: Hey.

Rory stands next to David.

Rory: What were you dreaming about this time?

Rory folds her arms across her chest then looks at David.

Rory: Was I talking again?

David: You were muttering....

Rory turns her head away in embarrassment for a moment, but then notices a member of the group missing.

Rory: Where's Stephan?

David sighs.

David: He and I got up and did some recon in the area....and he told me to come back.

Rory: Why?

David stares at her for a moment then looks down before turning back to her again.

David: Grab your gear. He told me to get you.....We gotta show you something.

David steps away.

Rory: Why?

David: Trust me.

David walks off. Rory then sighs before she goes to grab her stuff and jacket. Later, the two walk out of the cabin and begin walking into the forest.

David: This way.

Rory: A bit brisky. You sure you don't want to do this when the suns out? And when it's a bit warmer?

David: No, can't wait that long.

Rory: And you just don't want to tell me?

David: You need to see it for yourself.

Rory: What the hell were you and Stephan doing this early anyway?

David: I told you; we were doing some recon. Besides, I can't really sleep.

Rory: Shit, you too, huh?

David: feel like the farther north go, the more prettier it gets.

Rory: We could keep going. Drive all the way to the north and see all the big cities. Washington D.C. New York City.

David: New York City is sunk into the ocean, remember?

Rory: No, Midtown Manhattan is.

David: And Midtown Manhattan is in New York City.

Rory: Huh....never thought about that. That's a damn shame. I wanted to see Alfred's hometown. You know he's always talking about how his Dad was a New York Dodgers fan....You and Stephan did all this in the dark?

David: Yep. Now come on.

Rory: We keep traveling like this and we're not going to have enough energy for today's trip.

David: It's not much further.

Rory: Hey, is Hannah okay? She seems drained for the past few days.

David: She's fine.

Rory: Will you stop acting weird? You're putting on creeper vibes.

David: I'm not putting on creeper vibes.

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