Chapter 17: Showdown

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At the theater, Shawn and Kayla were in another backstage room while Cassandra is resting in the other with Margaret checking on her. Kayla grabs a bucket full of water and a wash cloth next to Shawn, and she starts washing Shawn's wounds.

Shawn: Kayla, are you okay?

Kayla: What do you mean?

Shawn: You haven't said a word to me since I got back.

Kayla shakes her head, before closing her eyes and then sighing.

Kayla:...why'd you leave? You could've taken me with you, Shawn.

Shawn sighs.

Shawn: I guess; I was just so wrapped up in my own shit that....I wasn't sure if you'd be okay with had Savannah to take care of.

Kayla: James was my friend and so was Rocky....we're hurting just as much as you are.

Kyle walks into the room as Kayla turns her head to him.

Kayla: Hey, Kyle...

Kyle: Hey....

Kyle looks at Shawn.

Kyle: How you feeling, man?

Shawn: Fantastic....

Kyle: That's good....

Kyle looks down and sighs, before looking up to Kayla.

Kyle: Kayla, you mind if I talk to Shawn in private?

Kayla turns to Shawn.

Shawn: It's okay....

Kayla turns back to Kyle, before standing up and walking out of the room.

Shawn: Gotta say, really look like shit.

Kyle laughs.

Shawn: look fucked up. You even got a busted eye vessel.

Kyle: Well, I went through a whole lot of trouble just to bring you and Margaret home.

Shawn sighs.

Shawn: You really should've stayed home. You didn't have to come all this way for us.

Kyle scoffs.

Kyle: Like you wouldn't have done the same if it was me, Sarah, Cassandra....or anyone of us.

Shawn: Why'd you bring Cassandra with you?

Kyle: Hey, she almost came here by herself looking for you.

Shawn: For me? Or for Rory?

Kyle looks down, before Shawn taps his shoulder. Kyle looks back up at Shawn.

Shawn: Hey, man....fuck those two. They exactly what they deserved. I don't give a damn if that bitch was pregnant.

Kyle: We're not those type of people, Shawn.

Shawn: Who are we supposed to be, then?

Kyle: We could try being the people your brother wanted us to be.

Shawn sighs.

Shawn: What about Samantha?

Kyle: I'm not leaving her here....we gotta figure out how to get her back.

Shawn: How long has Cassandra been sick like this?

Kyle: You mean how long has she been pregnant?

Shawn nods.

Kyle: A week....

Shawn shakes his head.

Shawn: Still can't believe it. I'm gonna be an brother would've been a great dad.

Chronicles of the Apocalypse: Last Armageddon (2028)Where stories live. Discover now