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Rose's alarm rang,it was 5:00 am she got up brushed her teeth then walked out. Liam had already prepared breakfast,

"Where is mom" rose asked

"She woke up late, she's taking her bath. Liam replied.

"Liam I need your help" rose said.

"Lolita's boyfriend cheated on her and he even had the guts to slap her trice, so I want to deal with them.

"Count me in, so what's your plan" he asked with a smirked.

"Do you still know how to tattoo" she asked him. Liam had a friend in highschool who was a tattoo artist so he taught him how to tattoo. He usually tattoo his friends but he never got one himself because he knew his mother would kill him.

"Yup" he replied

"Good" rose smirked.

"Good morning kids" Mrs Collins greeted them

"Morning Mom" they replied.

"What were you guys talking about" she asked

"Nothing mom" rose said quickly.

Mrs Collins looked at them for a minute but then she continue eating her breakfast.

"Rose sat on her bedwhile she talked on the phone"

"Nope I'll not leave them, not after what they did to you" rose said on the phone.

"You are really stubborn" loli signed.

"Bye, I've got revenge to plan" rose said and hung up.

"Rose scroll through her gallery and saw the pictures she took of Alisha when she was having sex with her boss in the hotel she used to work at. The reason why Alisha is a successful model is because of her boss. She satisfy him with her body, in return he helped her in her career.

Rose was working as a cleaner in a hotel, one day she saw them, she recognized them because loli had told her about them.

She followed them and sneaked in she quickly took pictures of them then she walked out slowly.

She didn't post them right away because she had no reason to but now she got one.

I'm glad I didn't delete this pics, she thought

She selected the pics and post them on social media.

"One down one to go" said smiled.

She got up and prepared for work.


It was lunch time rose stood in the line patiently for her turn, her turn finally reached when a blonde hair girl came from no where and stood in the front, rose held her arm and dragged her behind

"Excuse me miss, it's my turn you have to wait for yours" rose said

"Don't you know I don't wait for turns, I guess you are new" she said arrogantly and flicked her hair slapping rose in the process with it.

"First of all, watch were you flick that thing you called hair, it look like a mop on your head.

"And also I don't know who you are and frankly I don't care, what I do know is that you have wait for your turn" rose said and pushed her.

The lady gasped and glare at her then walk away, everyone was amazed by her.

Rose collected her food and then find somewhere to sit. A girl walked up to her and asked if she could sit with her.

Mr. Arrogant Meets Ms. FeistyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora