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nine: dreams do become reality
word count: 1355

  I woke up the next morning with the sun lightly beaming in my eyes. The big windows in Grace's spare room were bright, and seeing the view this early was immaculate. Tossing and turning in the bed, I could feel the hangover setting in. It felt like there was a thick haze in my brain.

  I groaned into the pillow, huffing before getting out of bed and into the bathroom. As I used the bathroom, I kept my eyes close to shut out the headache that was forming as much as I possibly could. Washing my hands, I opened my eyes and noticed that I was in my pajamas. I didn't even remember getting here last night, let alone changing and getting ready for bed.

  Thinking back, the last thing that I remember is dancing with Justin fucking Bieber. My doubt was trying to convince me that it must've been a dream; I know it wasn't, though. I remember the electric touch he had whenever he touched me. I remember his hands gripping tight into my hips. I remember his lips on my neck and the heat that ran over my body. I remember the smell of his cologne as we danced so close to one another. I remember everything he said to me... I remember almost kissing him.

  I looked in the mirror, examining my neck and running my cold fingers over where he kissed. There was no hickey, thank God. I grabbed my toothbrush from my toiletry bag and brushed my teeth. The headache became ever-so-present and I needed something to help soothe it.

I walked out from the bathroom and over to the door of the bedroom, opening it slowly to try not to disturb Grace. I wasn't sure if she was still sleeping, but I soon realized she was awake. "Good morning!" she said cheerfully, stirring the coffee she had just made herself.

"Mhm," I said in response, groggily walking over to the island in the kitchen and sitting on a barstool. "Here," she snickered, sliding a bottle of aspirin across the counter to me. "Bless you, sweet soul," I cooed, opening the bottle and throwing two pills into my mouth.

"Here's a Gatorade," she smiled as she opened the fridge and handed me a grape Gatorade Zero. I opened the lid, taking a sip to swallow the pills before chugging about a third of the bottle. "Dehydrated, are we?" she asked playfully, nodding at my previous action.

I laughed at myself, placing my cold fingers against my temples and softly rubbing circles. "Last night was a blast? huh?" she quizzed. I opened my eyes, looking up to her as my mouth began to open. "It was a dream," I sighed, closing my eyes again to reminisce.

"Someone was getting a little close with you," she smirked, raising her eyebrows up and down. The biggest smile spread across my face as blush tan to my cheeks. I hid my face like a child, giddily gushing into my hands. I pulled my hands down and immediately crossed my arms playfully.

"Still kinda mad at you, though," I huffed, closing one eye as if to give her a dirty look. "Why's that?" she asked offendedly. "'Cause! You pulled me away to leave at the worst time possible," I sighed, smiling sadly, "I know that it was probably for the best, though. Even though I was about to kiss the man I have fantasized about forever!"

Grace leaned against the counter and flashed a sincere smile, "I know... I kinda ruined your moment. I could've told Simon we would be a little late." I sent her an air-kiss, "It's okay. I just wish I had kissed him 'cause I know that there won't be another chance." She walked around to my side of the island and gave me an encouraging hug from the side, "If it's up to me, we will go to another party and you will get your kiss."

I smiled, leaning into her chest and resting my head. "Hey," I said, "You got anything to eat?" We both busted out laughing and she nodded, returning to the other side of the island. She picked up her phone and started typing away. "I actually was just about to DoorDash breakfast," she smirked, handing me her phone to allow me to pick what I wanted.

I scrolled, looking through the menu of the restaurant she had picked. Everything looked good: avocado toast, eggs, french toast, and waffles were just a few of the selections. Just as I was thinking of trying the breakfast sandwich they had, an unsaved number popped up across the top of her screen as her phone started ringing.

"Oh!" I said as I handed her phone across to her. She picked it up, making a face as she read the number. "I don't know this number, but it could be someone from that event I've gotta do," she groaned, answering the phone and placing it up to her ear.

"Hello?" she asked, looking at me with a blank expression. As she heard whoever was on the other end speak, her eyes lit up and her mouth opened wide to show all of her teeth. I shot her a puzzled look and a smile, wondering if she had just gotten good news or an exciting new offer.

"I'm sorry, Bieber, I didn't have your number saved," she said which caused my heart to fall through my stomach. "Grace!" I whispered frantically, standing up from the stool. "Uh huh... Yeah, she's still with me," I heard her say. I started to walk around to her so I could nosily listen but she moved too.

"Yeah, I saw you two last night. I think she was having a pretty good time," she smirked, silently mimicking me dancing and rubbing my hands along my body. I ran around the counter to attempt to stop her from embarrassing me, but she ran away from me. We were now like two little kids playing a game of tag around this damn kitchen island.

"I'm sure she'd like that, yeah," she smirked again as she playfully rolled her eyes and thrusted her hips into the air. "I'm gonna kill you!" I whispered playfully through gritted teeth and I tried to reach for her. "Uh huh, I'll send it to you," she said, letting out a small laugh as she tried to fake me out.

I caught onto her and ended up right behind her, seconds away from catching her. "Okay, see ya!" she exclaimed as she hurriedly hung up the phone just as I grabbed her. Huffing since the chase was now no use, I returned to the stool I was previously sitting on. "Bitch!" I said excitedly, "What did he say?"

She giggled, typing away at her screen before she locked her phone and hid it behind her back. "Nothing," she replied slyly like she was hiding something. I shot her a look that told her I knew she was lying. "Okay, fine!" she said excitedly, rushing to gossip with me.

"He said he got my number through Kendall and then he started talking about you," she smiled. About to scream from curiosity, my legs began to shake up and down, "And?"

"And then he said he was calling to ask about you. He asked if you were still with me; I told him yes. He said that he has not been able to get you off of his mind since he met you. He said something about being so glad I brought you to the party with me. Then he asked if I thought you would be willing to see him. He said that he wanted to text you and asked for your number," she summed up.

I looked at her with the same wide smile she had shown earlier. Eagerly biting her lip, she spoke again, "So, I gave it to him."

author's note
— hey everyone! hehehehe i hope you enjoyed this chapter. the story is starting!! anyways, more to come <3

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