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twelve: whatcha waiting for?
word count: 1291

Justin and I had spent nearly two hours talking as we sat on Grace's couch. We were just enjoying each other's company and sharing little pieces of our lives with one another. After he playfully gave me shit for being a belieber and knowing so much about him already, he filled in some of the blanks and went more in depth about some of his childhood.

   He told me stories of what it was like growing up in Canada. He told me about his strong love for his family and how they are so important to him. I let him know that I shared some of the same values. I told him a little bit about growing up in Tennessee and how I have a love-hate relationship with my hometown. I was also extremely close with my family and I expressed to him how I would be nowhere without them.

There was so much more that I wanted to know about Justin, though. While I was grateful that he felt he could share some of those intimate parts of himself with me, I wanted to know every single little thing about him.

In these circumstances, he was right. I felt like I already knew so much about him through the media and interviews, but that's just a small portion of who Justin Bieber really is. It was kind of a strange situation to be in. While he was only just now meeting me, I felt like I somewhat knew him already; like I had known him for years.

We had now transitioned the conversation to music and he was trying his hardest to get me to sing him one of my songs. "C'mon! No instrumentals or backtracks, no altering or professional mastering. Just real and raw vocals, right here between the two of us," he insisted.

  "I-I don't know," I sighed, shaking my head and fidgeting with my rings. I had always dreamed of singing in front of him, and while I technically did last night, this was much more intimate. "Please? I wanna hear you," he smiled angelically.

  I rolled my eyes, huffing as I ended up giving in. I started singing a little bit of something I had been working on. I closed my eyes, pretending I was just singing around my house alone.

Justin didn't know any of the words I was about to sing, but picked up on the melody and started humming along with me. It was no doubt he had a beautiful voice, and it sounded even better than I had imagined paired with mine. My singing had trailed off and was now stopped.

  Justin was still slightly humming, looking intently into my eyes. "That's, uh... All I've got so far," I said in a whisper. He responded with a smile, "I love it." It seemed as if we were sitting closer than before, though neither of us had moved. Justin was, however, leaning into me slightly. I lingered close to him for a minute, wondering if he would kiss me.

Stopping myself before I gave way for anything to happen, I sat back and swallowed the lump in my throat. "You make me so incredibly nervous, you know that?" I sighed as I looked at him with a shy smile.

  He smiled back, looking away before returning eye contact, "Would you believe me if I said you make me nervous, too?" I didn't mean to be rude, but I kind of laughed in disbelief.

  "No, I absolutely don't believe that," I said, shooting him a look as if to say I knew better. He returned with an offended expression, "Why's that?"

  "Justin, let's be honest for a minute," I said as I leaned on my knees towards him, "You could have any girl you wanted. It's just a little hard for me to believe that I, though I'm a total catch, make you nervous." I attempted throwing a joke in there in hopes he wouldn't be upset with what I had said.

  "Any girl I want, huh?" he asked, leaning forward more than he was before, "Does that include you?"

  I was completely taken aback by his comment. Me? Why in the world does this perfect creation of a man want me? I awkwardly scoffed, turning my attention to look out the window at the view of the city below us.

  "Rylee... When I said I haven't stopped thinking about you, I meant it. You have completely consumed my mind. I told you I had been watching you last night before we bumped into each other," Justin spoke softly. I turned to look at him with my heart beating out of my chest.

"And can you blame me? You said you hadn't stopped thinking about me, either. Right?" he asked, nodding his head downward to look up at me for my answer. "I haven't... You're all I've been thinking about," I admitted shyly.

  "There's no denying we have some sort of chemistry here. I think we proved that last night on the dance floor," he ended with a smirk, nodding his head slightly as he took a minute to eye me up and down.

"Oh, God," I sighed before laughing in embarrassment, feeling blush rush to my cheeks. Justin started laughing as he saw how red I was turning, "What's the matter?"

He was reclined with his legs extended out on the couch as I sat with my legs folded under me and to the side. My head was now propped on my hand that rested on the back of the couch as I intently watched him. "Did you enjoy our dance as much as I did?" he asked lowly.

  I closed my eyes, feeling the butterflies flutter around in my stomach as I slowly nodded, "Without a doubt." He giggled breathily, "I know you know I liked it. It sure seemed like you were enjoying teasing me."

  My breath hitched as those words flew from his lips. I could feel heat rush further down my body and into my pussy. He's right, y'know. I damn sure enjoyed teasing him. It was like a little preview of what could've happened had the night went on any further.

  Justin then inched closer to me. He was so beautiful. It was as if God hand-crafted this man to resemble that of a work of art. I closed my eyes, swallowing down the lump of nerves that had formed in my throat.

I opened my eyes to see him lick his lips nonchalantly. We were now looking into each other's eyes with blank, expressionless faces; all of our emotions were hidden behind our orbs.

  We didn't say anything for at least three minutes, just fully soaking up the silence as I burned this moment into my memory. I felt so comfortable in this moment. It was almost as if all of the nerves just melted from my body.

  Justin broke the silence, biting his lip before saying, "Rylee?" The sound of my name coming from his mouth was something I still hadn't gotten used to. Say my name, say my name, baby! I could listen to him say my name forever.

  "Yes?" I whispered in sort of a seductive manner. "I really, really wanna kiss you," he spoke softly, darting his eyes to my lips quickly before he returned his gaze into my eyes.

I flashed a quick, soft smile in his direction. "What're you waiting for?" I whispered, mentally preparing myself for what happens next.

author's note
— hey everyone! hehehe i hope you enjoyed this chapter. sorry for leaving on a bit of a cliffhanger 🫣 i'm excited for the next chapter. anyways, more to come <3

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