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thirteen: my biggest fan
word count: 1320

  Only seconds passed before Justin made his next move. He leaned a bit closer to me, taking his hand and slowly cupping my cheek gently. Softly, he pulled me into him. He halted his movements momentarily as our faces were now just inches away from one another.

  Our noses were practically touching as we just rested here. I could faintly feel his breath wisp across the skin of my lips. My breath hitched as I eagerly yet patiently waited for him to kiss me. Fucking kiss me already!

  Almost as if he had read my mind, he leaned in the rest of the way and attached his lips to mine. The feeling was comparable to fireworks; like they were exploding all around us on the Fourth of July.

  I thought the electricity between us was strong last night... Boy, was I clueless of just how strong it could be. The sparks that were flowing throughout my body were so intense, I think I might've physically jolted a bit. This electricity, this magnetic energy, between us was magic and wild.

  In this moment, I swore our lips were made for each other; they fit perfectly together.

  The kiss was slow and full of desire. Neither of us were in a hurry as we savored one another's taste. Our lips began moving more in sync as the kiss continued. Justin's hand was still on my face, holding me in place as he took control within the kiss. His other hand now snaked it's way around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

  The nerves were starting to diminish and I was growing more confident with Justin. As he was pulling me towards him, I took matters into my own hands and moved much closer. Without breaking the kiss, I crawled over him to now straddle his lap.

  Sensing that he was growing a bit more eager, both of his hands now held onto my hips. His lips moved a bit more hungrily as he deepened each kiss. My hands traveled to his neck as if to brace myself. His nails began to slowly dig into my sweatpants and allowed me to feel their soft pricks through the fabric. I could tell he wanted me so fucking bad in this moment.

We were now engaging in a full on make-out session. His hands began to subtly guide my hips as I sat straddled on his lap. The feeling of his grip on my hips caused me to moan quietly within the kiss. Hearing me moan into his mouth must've made him crave me more for his hands grasped my hips with much more force.

There was no denying how bad I wanted him. I was hungry; I wanted to have him any way I could. My hands, that were rested on the sides of his neck, were starting to slowly scratch up his scalp.

  In the midst of the kiss, Justin's tongue began hinting at my bottom lip for entrance. Ever-so-slightly, he slid the tip of his tongue gently across, gradually adding more length every time. I granted him access, feeling his tongue barely enter my mouth with each kiss.

  He grunted as he kissed me. One of his hands traveled up the small of my back. Feeling his hand on my exposed skin sent goosebumps across my body and I couldn't help but toss my head back in a moan. This was the first time our kiss had been broken since he first planted his lips onto mine, and Justin took this opportunity.

  He leaned forward more, placing his lips on my neck. He kissed my neck with eager force, sucking my neck without a care in the world. I didn't mind, though. It would be an honor to receive a hickey from Justin Bieber. As he sucked my neck fiercely, my hands roamed his scalp.

My fingers were lost in his hair. Justin began biting lightly as he sucked my neck simultaneously. I let out quiet, breathy moans near his ear which seemed to make him hungrier.

I could feel him growing underneath me. Holy shit! This is so surreal... I'm giving Justin Bieber a boner. My thoughts were racing all over the place when I heard Justin speak. "Baby," he groaned against my neck.

I let out a breathy giggle, pulling back to look at him. His eyes were filled with lust as he slowly licked his lips. "You make it hard for me to control myself," he whispered as he leaned closer to my lips.

A devilish smile creeped across my face before I reattached my lips to his. He readjusted himself underneath me, pressing into me momentarily in the process. The feeling of his bulge press against me, though it was through two pairs of pants, caused me to react by grinding my hips within the kiss.

Justin then moaned into my mouth, grasping my waist tighter. I decided to tease him after seeing his reaction. I continued grinding my hips slowly as we kissed, sliding my hands down his to rest on his chest.

Almost on cue to stop what was about to happen next, the lock to the front door clicked and in walked Grace. I broke the kiss, turning to look at Grace who was now coming through the door. Giddily, like a high schooler trying not to be caught by her parents, I hurried off of Justin's lap and stood up on my feet.

"Hey, I'm ho-," Grace started but paused once she saw me awkwardly standing there with my hands on my hips and a guilty smile. She raised an eyebrow as she placed her purse on the countertop, "Did I interrupt something?"

I shook my head, "No!" Simultaneously, Justin had responded, "Yeah, actually."

I darted to look at him with blush on my cheeks, "Rylee was singing for me and showing me some of her work." He returned my glance with an innocent smile, shooting a wink in my direction that only I could see.

"She's good, isn't she?" Grace smirked, digging through her purse to find her phone. Justin scoffed playfully, looking down at himself where his boner was still very present through his pants.

I couldn't help but look down at him, feeling my cheeks grow more hot by the second. "Yeah... Very good," he smirked, looking up to catch me looking at him. He readjusted his position, trying his best to camouflage his little problem. Let me tell you... It wasn't exactly a little problem if you know what I mean.

"I keep telling her she needs to try to reach out to some labels, or even gain more of a social media presence, and try to put her talents to good use," Grace spoke, trailing off and trying to contribute to what she thought we were actually talking about.

I walked to the fridge to grab a water for Justin and I. Grace wiggled her eyebrows, shooting me a look as she mouthed, "You better tell me everything later!"

I shushed her quietly, returning to Justin with our waters in hand. I handed him his water as I sat next to him, curling my feet underneath me. "Thanks, baby," he whispered with a smirk, opening his bottle and drinking it. I couldn't help but blush in response as I took a sip myself.

Grace joined us on the couch, continuing babbling about my music. Justin was truly engaged in the conversation and didn't make her feel excluded. He placed his hand on my thigh as he looked from Grace and then into my eyes. "Yeah, I think I'm becoming her biggest fan," he smiled.

author's note
— hey everyone! ahhh!! this chapter was definitely worth the read, if i do say so myself. i hope you all enjoyed it as much as i did ;) anyways, more to come <3

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