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eighteen: bye, bye, bye
word count: 1483

"I don't want you to leave yet," Justin sighed as his head rested on my stomach, "I wanna be selfish." I couldn't help but giggle as I played with his hair. "I don't necessarily want to leave either, but I have to get back," I sighed.

I hated to leave this fever dream of a getaway. Grace was more than welcome to host my stay, that wasn't the problem. The problem was I had a life waiting for me back home... And pet fish in a tank in my apartment that needed to be fed.

"You'll be okay," I stifled in breathy laughs as Justin laid whining and moaning like a child not getting their way, "You'll forget all about me soon enough with your busy schedule and celebrity duties."

Offended, he immediately raised up and turned back to look at me. "I will never forget about you, Rylee. You're already engraved in my brain... I knew the second I first saw you. It was practically instant," he said in the most serious tone.

It took me aback to hear him say that. I never wanted to assume that he would only tell me what I wanted to hear, but it was still such a surreal experience. I had trust issues, and it was easy for me to just brush off most things. I had learned my lesson a long time ago to not be so trusting with others.

"Hey," I spoke gently as I turned into him, "I didn't mean to say anything to upset you. It's just hard for me to think about, that's all." He looked deeply into my eyes and just held me in his arms, "Why?"

I took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in my throat, "Well, you're... You."

Instead of debating with me, he just gently smiled and held me. "You're stuck with me, I hate to break it to you," he said lowly.

I snickered quietly against him as I tapped my phone screen to see that it was nearly midnight. "I really need to get some sleep. I'm gonna hitch a flight with Grace on her way to Atlanta in the morning," I sighed.

"Go to sleep, then," he said gently as he began to run his fingers through my hair. Comfort immediately rushed over me as I felt the warmth of his fingertips skim through my hair.

  It wasn't long after that I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, my phone was ringing loudly due to my six-o-clock alarm going off. I raised my head up as I searched for my phone on the bed. Finally finding it and turning it off, I looked back to see Justin stirring awake.

"Good morning," he said in a groggy, sleepy voice. God, he's so sexy even when he isn't trying. "We fell asleep," I smiled as I started to get out from under the throw blanket we were covered up with.

Before I had the chance to get up from the bed, he turned around and pulled me back into him with his strong arms. "Nope. You're not getting up yet," he said childishly as he held me tight against him. "I've gotta start packing," I giggled, trying to release his grip.

"Five more minutes," he urged, snuggling into my neck as he held me. "Five minutes. Then I have to start packing and get ready to leave," I surrendered.

I couldn't see it, but I knew there was a satisfied grin plastered on his face. I stayed there, holding onto his arms that were wrapped around me. I was so comfortable with him that I had to force myself to stay awake. Five minutes passed and I insisted I get up.

Justin gave in, letting me get up and start to get ready. "I'm gonna jump in the shower really quick. You're welcome to go back to sleep while I get ready," I smiled as I grabbed a change of clothes from my bag that was practically already packed for me.

He looked at me with a smirk as he bit his lip. "Don't even think about getting any ideas," I said sternly, laughing as I pointed a finger at him. He huffed jokingly before turning back over on the bed.

I entered the bathroom and closed the door behind me before taking a quick shower. This was probably the quickest shower I had ever taken in my life and it still lasted almost thirty minutes. Once I had dried off, I quickly brushed my teeth. I then started to change into my clothes and do some quick makeup.

I pulled on my jeans, pairing them with a cropped white tank top. I didn't do much for makeup; just the same as yesterday seeming I would be on a plane in a few hours. I dried my hair a bit, deciding to let the rest dry on its own as the morning went on.

  I walked back out to the bedroom to see Justin tidying up the bed. "Feel better?" he asked with a smile as he walked closer to me. "Much," I sighed in relief as he wrapped me in a hug.

  "Don't leave me," he muffled into my neck as he swayed us back and forth slightly. "I have to go home," I whined back, holding him as close to me as physically possible.

  I didn't want to lose this moment. I wanted to savor every millisecond I could. He pulled away enough for him to just look at my face. We stood there, just admiring each other for a moment. He then slowly leaned in, placing his lips onto mine.

  The kiss was like our first: slow, meaningful, and full of sparks. He didn't rush at all, savoring the taste of my lips while he could. I felt myself growing weak within the kiss, allowing him to practically just hold me there as I melted into him.

  I pulled away, pecking him with two more quick kisses before hearing a quiet knock at the bedroom door. "Come in," I cooed as Grace peeped her head in. "Morning," she smiled as she held a couple bags in her hands, "I was just checking to see if you two were awake. Simon will be here soon to take us to the hanger."

I nodded, pulling away from Justin's arms and grabbing my stuff. Being the gentleman he is, Justin took my bag and my purse from my hands to carry it for me. He sat them beside where Grace had lied hers on the floor, walking over to the front door.

You could tell he was dragging his feet and trying to stay as long as he possibly could. "Well, I guess this is goodbye," I huffed awkwardly as I shoved my hands in the back pockets of my jeans.

Pouting, he wrapped me in another hug that was much tighter this time. Grace had wondered off into her bedroom to give us a minute alone. "I'm gonna miss you," he sighed as he lifted me off the ground a bit. "I will definitely miss you more," I laughed as he sat me back on my feet.

Grace came back from the bedroom, coming over to lean against the kitchen counter. "Simon will be here in fifteen," she spoke with a sort of saddened tone. I turned to look at her, nodding before I turned back to look at Justin.

He pulled away for a moment, taking the beige, Drew House hoodie he was wearing off of his body to reveal the t-shirt he had on underneath. "Here. Now you'll have a little piece of me," he chuckled as he slid it onto my body.

"Thank you. I love it," I smiled as I hugged him once more. He leaned down to kiss me one last time. My hands flew to hold the sides of his face in place before he eventually pulled away. He held my hand like the first night we had met, and our hands disconnected as he walked away.

He reached for the door handle and swung it open as he flashed me a sad smile, "Goodbye, stranger."

author's note
— hey everyone! ugh, wouldn't we all die to wear justin's hoodie? i hate goodbyes but i promise, it'll get better. i don't know if anyone actually reads these (i know i don't most of the time whenever i'm reading), but i just wanted to thank you all for the votes on this story!! this is actually an old idea i had started writing back in 2015 and i decided to revise it and pick it back up. i love seeing you guys enjoy it, and i absolutely love reading any comments you leave me. i hope you enjoyed/are enjoying. anyways, more to come <3

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