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eleven: the butterflies are flying
word count: 1340

  "Grace, I'm so nervous," I shrieked as I bounced back and forth on my feet. We had finished breakfast and I was now in the bathroom of the spare bedroom trying to do a little makeup. I was stressing out. So many scenarios were circling through my head and the worst one was Justin leaving after he saw me.

I didn't have the stylist or the glam team that I was provided with last night. I wasn't dressed up; I was wearing black, Nike sweatpants and a grey cami top. I had already slipped on a pair of socks to hide my bare feet. My hair was flowing on its own as it pleased. I slipped on some rings to fidget with in case my nerves took over.

The only makeup I applied was some light eyeshadow, mascara, brow gel, and some chapstick. I didn't wanna look like I was overdoing it since I was so underdressed. "You look fine, Rylee! Stop freaking out. I don't know Bieber that well, but I know that he's not shallow," she giggled as she pulled pieces of my hair around to fix it. "You sure I don't look like a troll?" I joked, pouting at my reflection.

"Well," she paused, scaring me half to death, "I'm kidding! Absolutely not." I sighed as I finished the rest of my Gatorade and tossed it in the trashcan. Grace had gotten herself dressed and I was now following her back out to the living room. She grabbed her purse and her phone, "Now don't get too crazy while I'm gone. If you fuck him, don't break anything and dear God... Don't fuck in the kitchen."

My eyes widened, "You're leaving?" She turned around with a smirk, grabbing a pair of sunglasses and sliding them on her face. "I've got a meeting and some other things I just so conveniently have to do," she said. "I'm not gonna fuck him, by the way!" I called loudly to receive only a wave in response before she walked out the door.

I swallowed the growing lump in my throat. I cannot believe she left me alone, but God is she a good best friend. Trying to distract myself, I plopped down on the couch and channel surfed. I finally settled on some sort of music channel since I had absolutely no idea what to watch.

I picked up my phone, scrolling between apps to relax my mind. I opened TikTok, watching a few videos. I opened Facebook to see what my family and friends were posting about. Just as I was switching back to TikTok, I heard a knock at the door that made my stomach turn.

  The butterflies are flying, that's for sure. I sprung up from the couch, shaking my hands in attempt to shake some of the nerves out. Stopping momentarily to take a deep breath, I opened my eyes and reached for the door handle.

I looked out the peephole in the door to see Justin standing and looking at his feet. He was jittering a bit as his hands were stuffed in his pockets. He took a deep breath, breathing out slowly as he continued to look down. I smiled as I opened the door, seeing him lift his head up to look at me.

"Hi," I said shyly as I opened the door wide for him to enter. "Hey, stranger," he chuckled, pulling his hands from his pockets and walking inside. "You've really got to work on remembering my name," I sarcastically joked, closing the door behind him and walking to the kitchen counter.

He giggled like a child, greeting me at the counter, "Hey, Rylee." I smiled up at him, "Hi, Justin." In a moment that should've been awkward seeming we were just standing here and looking at each other, it was completely the opposite. It didn't feel weird, it felt peaceful; peaceful meaning it came naturally.

"You, uh... You want anything to drink?" I offered, walking closer to the fridge and showing it off like a woman on a gameshow. He smiled and shook his head in response, "No, I'm okay right now. Thank you for offering, though."

"Of course! It's on Grace," I snickered as I walked around the counter. "You'll have to forgive me for looking like I just rolled outta bed," I said, puckering my lips playfully as I gestured to my outfit.

  He started to walk towards me slowly, shaking his head as he placed his hands on my waist. "You look beautiful right now. What are you talking about?" He smiled as he flirtatiously bit his lip, glancing up and down my body.

I let out a small laugh, turning my face to the side to hide the red that had rushed to my cheeks. "Hey," he spoke softly as he gently grasped my chin and turned me to face him, "I mean it." I felt my knees growing weak at the way he spoke to me. I couldn't help but blush and smile like a fool. "Y-You wanna go sit?" I asked, nodding my head toward where the couch was located.

I sat down in the corner of the couch, crossing my legs under me and intently looking at him now seated next to me. "I know I already asked, but is your morning still going good?" I asked, horribly attempting to make small talk.

"Hangover's practically gone! Morning's gotten a lot better now that we're hanging out," he teased, leaning his head back against the sofa cushions. I couldn't help but be so smiley around Justin; he had a way of making me feel desired, which was a bit of a foreign feeling at this time in my life.

"That's good," I hummed as I began to fiddle with my rings. I found myself getting lost in his eyes. "I, uh... I wasn't lying when I said I haven't stopped thinking about you, Rylee," he spoke softly, licking his lips and awaiting my response.

"I can safely say the same," I sighed with a smile. "If you'll let me, I would love the chance to get to know you," he said as he perked up, giving me his full and undivided attention. I let out a breathy giggle, "What would you like to know?"

  He smiled, "Anything... Everything."

  I began telling him all the little things that came to mind about my life, "Well, I'm twenty-four and a Virgo. I was born and raised in Tennessee. My parents are divorced. I'm an only child. I'm currently living in Nashville, singing in bars and making music. I work from home mainly, but I also work part time at a local ice cream parlor. My favorite color is purple. My favorite movie is 'The Wizard of Oz'. My favorite season is fall. I've never really traveled anywhere; this is actually the furthest I've ever traveled... I love concerts, I've been lucky to attend a lot."

"Have you ever been to any of mine?" He asked, cutting me off from my little monologue. He laughed slightly and started smirking. I shyly smiled, dodging eye contact before I answered. "I've seen you perform every time you've come to Nashville," I admitted.

  He looked pretty satisfied with himself as he raised his eyebrows and leaned back into the couch, "So, you're a fan?" I raised my finger to correct him playfully, "A belieber, if you will."

  He let out an abundance of laughs, "Yes, of course. My bad." I giggled, looking at him momentarily before looking up at the ceiling. "I've always been a big fan, honestly. I just really admire your talent and artistry. I hope that's not weird," I sighed, turning to look at him with a nervous, bitten lip.

  "Not at all. I think I'm becoming a fan of you, too," Justin smirked.

author's note
— hey everyone! i hope you enjoyed this chapter. i got a little lost along the way, but i think it's an alright chapter. anyways, more to come <3

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